MOA-2007-BLG-387Lb light curve I band


We report the discovery of a planet with a high planet-to-star mass ratio in the microlensing event MOA-2009-BLG-387, which exhibited pronounced deviations over a 12-day interval, one of the longest for any planetary event. The host is an M dwarf, with a mass in the range 0.07M_{sun}<M_host<0.49M_{sum} at 90% confidence. The planet-star mass ratio q=0.0132+/-0.003 has been measured extremely well, so at the best-estimated host mass, the planet mass is m_p=2.6 Jupiter masses for the median host mass, M=0.19M_{sun}_.

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Metadata Access
Creator Batista V.; Gould A.; Dieters S.; Dong Subo; Bond I.; Beaulieu J.P.,Maoz D.; Monard B.; Christie G.W.; McCormick J.; Albrow M.D.; Horne K.,Tsapras Y.; Burgdorf M.J.; Calchi Novati S.; Skottfelt J.; Caldwell J.,Kozlowski S.; Kubas D.; Gaudi B.S.; Han C.; Bennett1 D.P.; An J.,Abe F.; Botzler C.S.; Douchin D.; Freeman M.; Fukui A.; Furusawa K.,Hearnshaw J.B.; Hosaka S.; Itow Y.; Kamiya K.; Kilmartin P.M.; Korpela A.,Lin W.; Ling C.H.; Makita S.; Masuda K.; Matsubara Y.; Miyake N.,Muraki Y.; Nagaya M.; Nishimoto K.; Ohnishi K.; Okumura T.; Perrott Y.C.,Rattenbury N.; Saito To.; Sullivan D.J.; Sumi T.; Sweatman W.L.,Tristram P.J.; von Seggern E.; Yock P.C.M. (The MOA Collaboration),Brillant S.; Calitz J.J.; Cassan A.; Cole A.; Cook K.; Coutures C.,Dominis Prester D.; Donatowicz J.; Greenhill J.; Hoffman M.; Jablonski F.,Kane S.R.; Kains N.; Marquette J.-B.; Martin R.; Martioli E.; Meintjes P.,Menzies J.; Pedretti E.; Pollard K.; Sahu K.C.; Vinter C.; Wambsganss J.,Watson R.; Williams A.; Zub M. (The PLANET Collaboration),Allen W.; Bolt G.; Bos M.; DePoy D.L.; Drummond J.; Eastman J.D.,Gal-Yam A.; Gorbikov E.; Higgins D.; Janczak J.; Kaspi S.; Lee C.-U.,Mallia F.; Maury A.; Monard L.A.G.; Moorhouse D.; Morgan N.; Natusch T.,Ofek E.O.; Park B.-G.; Pogge R.W.; Polishook D.; Santallo R.; Shporer A.,Spector O.; Thornley G.; Yee J.C. (The {mu} Collaboration),Bozza V.; Browne P.; Dominik M.; Dreizler S.; Finet F.; Glitrup M.,Grundah F.; Harpsoe K.; Hessman F.V.; Hinse T.C.; Hundertmark M.,Jorgensen U.G.; Liebig C.; Maier G.; Mancini L.; Mathiasen M.; Rahvar S.,Ricci D.; Scarpetta G.; Southworth J.; Surdej J.; Zimmer F.,(The MiNDSTEp Consortium),Allan A.; Bramich D.M.; Snodgrass C.; Steele I.A.; Street R.A.(The RoboNet Collaboration)
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2011
OpenAccess true
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Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics; Solar System Astronomy; Stellar Astronomy