1,820 datasets found

Keywords: solar system astronomy

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  • Nancay Decameter Array observation database

    Decametric radio observation from Nancay decameter array. The Nancay Decameter Array (NDA) at the Station de Radioastronomie de Nancay (SRN) is a phased array of 144 "Teepee"...
  • LOFAR PL610 observation database

    Radio observation of Jupiter on LOFAR PL610 station in Borowiec. The LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) is a radio interferometer operating at a low frequency range from 10 to 240 MHz....
  • LOFAR PL610 observation database

    Radio observation of Jupiter on LOFAR PL610 station in Borowiec. The LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) is a radio interferometer operating at a low frequency range from 10 to 240 MHz....
  • LOFAR PL610 observation database

    Observation of ionospheric scitillation on LOFAR PL610 station in Borowiec using CasA radio source. The LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) is a radio interferometer operating at a low...
  • Sky Body Tracker

    SkyBoT is a VO service which allows to seek and identify solar system objects (planet, satellites, asteroids, comets) in any field of view at a given epoch (cone-search method)....
  • CRISM spectral library

    This service provides access to the spectral library in support of the CRISM experiment on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. This is a redesigned version of the library once...
  • Spectra of asteroids from VizieR

    This service provides a compilation of spectra of asteroids in the visible and NIR range. It is composed of various libraries distributed as VizieR catalogues. Reformatted...
  • Spectra of planets

    This service provides a compilation of global spectra of planets and satellites in the visible and NIR range, for quick reference purpose. It is made from various libraries,...
  • IKS

    Measurements of comet Halley in the spectral channel of IKS on board the Vega-1 spacecraft. Data are retrieved from the PDS Small Bodies Node data set (2011 reformatted version)...
  • Auroral Planetary Imaging and Spectroscopy

    EpnCore table for APIS service
  • M4AST

    compiled database for asteroid spectra in the visible and NIR regions
  • Properties of natural satellites

    This service provides the physical and dynamical characteristics of natural satellites in the Solar System: size, mass, rotational properties, magnitude and albedo, orbital...
  • MASER TFCat Database

    MASER/TFCat products
  • Voyager PRA Datasets

    Voyager PRA (Planetary Radio Astronomy) Datasets catalog. The dataset are originally published by several data centers: NASA/PDS, NASA/NSSDC, NASA/GSFC, Univ. Iowa and CNES/SERAD.
  • Cassini RPWS/HFR Calibrated Jupiter Flyby Dataset

    Cassini RPWS/HFR Calibrated Jupiter Flyby Dataset Product Catalog
  • MASER TFCat Database

    TFCat table for Leblanc et al. A&A (1981-1993) Jupiter Radio Emissions Catalogues
  • Juno/Waves database

    Juno/Waves database at LESIA. This collection contains L3 data products. This collection is maintained by the MASER team.
  • ExPRES Simulation Database

    ExPRES Simulation service catalog
  • Cassini/RPWS Kronos Database

    VESPA/EPNcore table for the Cassini/RPWS Kronos Database
  • GMAP

    GMap provides planetary geological maps of different Solar System bodies, developed by an open community, reviewed by scientists. GMap inherits data model from Planmap, most of...
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