Supposition of the research describes a statement that there is an imbalance of power among policy sub-arenas in policy-making processes. The research therefore seeks to establish, which policy sub-arena is the most powerful in these processes. The total amount of power of policy sub-arenas depends on their possibility to control, oversee and monopolize of factors of power. Empirical data confirm the basic supposition only partially. A question whether a possibility of control, surveillance and monopolization of certain factors of power with regard to others, is of greater importance remains unanswered. Some of the data gathered, especially those that concerns the gap between the number and degree of control, surveillance and monopolization of factors of power in the bureaucratic sub-arena along with its power in the policy-making processes of cultural policies suggest only a possibility that some factors of power are of greater importance than others.
Non-probability: PurposiveNonprobability.Purposive
Face-to-face interviewInterview.FaceToFace