Macro time series and monetary policy decisions for Norway (1990-2018)
Monetary policy is generally regarded as a central element in the attempts of policy makers to attenuate business-cycle fluctuations. According to the New Keynesian paradigm,... -
Nouveaux mouvements sociaux dans les années 1980, données internationales
This study investigates in a comparative way the new social movements (NSMs) in 4 countries of Western Europe: Germany, France, the Netherlands and Switzerland. We have focused... -
Organizational Analysis
The project aims to study the relations between inequalities and young people's ways of doing politics as well as to advance scenarios for future democratic models and political... -
A Protest Event Dataset for Indonesia, South Korea, and Thailand (1985-2005)
Recent waves of mass demonstrations around the world have attracted renewed scholarly and political attention to the question of the role of grassroot movements in political... -
Narratives from the Discourse on the Swiss Child and Adult Protection Policy ...
In Switzerland, the KESB authorities decide about welfare service delivery as well as about the taking of coercive measures. The authorities were created in 2013, following a... -
Survey data - Alternative Food Organizations (AFOs)
The research project aims at understanding alternative food organizations' engagement for a more ecological, just and healthier food system. To do so, we developed a broad... -
Befragung von Schulleitern zu Schulstruktur, Schülerpolulation, Staatsbürgerk...
Die "International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA)", deren Hauptquartier sich in der niederländischen Hauptstadt Amsterdam befindet, wurde 1959... -
Participation politique des immigrés dans le canton de Genève - 2015
The proportion of people with an immigrant background is high in Switzerland (35%, 23% of foreign nationality) and more particularly in Geneva (60%, 40% of foreign nationality)... -
Studierende und Politik: eine Befragung bei Studierenden der Universität Bern...
The Department of Political Science of the University of Bern interviewed the students of the University of Bern in the spring / summer of 2000 as part of an empirical research... -
Analyse de cadre (Frame analysis) - Organisations Alimentaires Alternatives (...
The research project aims at understanding alternative food organizations' engagement for a more ecological, just and healthier food system. To do so, we developed a broad... -
Datenbank über die zwischen 1983 und 2007 gültigen, normativen Erlasse des s...
Das Projekt inspiriert sich methodisch an einem früheren, das Wolf Linder 1985 am IDHEAP in Lausanne zum Thema der "Gesetzesinflation" durchgeführt hat. Damals wurden Bestand... -
Staatsbürgerliche Kenntnisse, Einstellungen und Verhaltensweisen von Schülern...
Die "International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA)", deren Hauptquartier sich in der niederländischen Hauptstadt Amsterdam befindet, wurde 1959... -
Staatsbürgerliche Kenntnisse und Einstellungen sowie Verhaltensweisen von Ach...
Die "International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA)", deren Hauptquartier sich in der niederländischen Hauptstadt Amsterdam befindet, wurde 1959... -
Umfrage "Förderung des politischen Engagements der Mitarbeitenden" bei Untern...
The militia concept and the strong anchoring of political responsibility in the population at large are supporting elements of the political system in Switzerland - especially... -
Doing good with VR: Retrospektive Interviews
Political votes are preceded by a phase of informing oneself. The "voting booklet" plays an important role in it. However, the text-heavy nature of the booklet can mean that the... -
Policy Analysis
The project aims to study the relations between inequalities and young people's ways of doing politics as well as to advance scenarios for future democratic models and political... -
La politique européenne de la Suisse vue par les acteurs non étatiques: échan...
Thème central: étudier le rôle que jouent les acteurs informels (et les réseaux créés autour d'eux) pour l'élaboration et la mise en oeuvre de la politique extérieure suisse... -
European Social Survey, Switzerland - 2002
L'enquête ESS (European Social Survey, http://www.europeansocialsurvey.org) est née de la nécessité d'obtenir en Europe des données comparatives sur nombre de questions... -
La politique européenne de la Suisse vue par les acteurs étatiques: échantill...
Thème central: étudier le rôle que jouent les acteurs informels (et les réseaux créés autour d'eux) pour l'élaboration et la mise en oeuvre de la politique extérieure suisse... -
Content analysis of European issue salience in party press releases, seven co...
The subject of the research project is the politicization of European issues in the context of European integration. In particular the research project deals with the following...