Työelämän suhteet, luottamus ja työorganisaatioiden suorituskyky 1999
Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan 21 erilaisen työpaikan henkilöstön näkemyksiä työsuhteen ehtojen paikallisesta sopimisesta, työnjohdon, työntekijöiden ja ay-edustajien... -
Career Paths of Sports Graduates 2018-2019
Aineistossa liikuntaneuvojan, liikunnanohjaajan (AMK/YAMK) tai liikuntatieteiden maisterin tutkinnon vuosina 2004-2015 suorittaneet henkilöt kertovat urapoluistaan. Aineisto on... -
Koper area study
Development project Koper 2020 was vast study of the municipality of Koper. The purpose of this research was to tackle the spatial problems and finding suitable solutions. The... -
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1975/76
Interviewees express their agreement with proposed measures for economic recovery. In bloc of questions on international affairs and defence they state their opinion on Yugoslav... -
Factors that influence the adjustments of workplaces for disabled, 2012
The research was designed on the basis of an original American study, with added questions and two additional parts that focused on the contents of different reasonable... -
Medborgarundersökningen 2002-2003
Citizen survey 2002-2003 (MBU02-03) is a follow up to citizen surveys conducted in 1987 and 1997 (SND 0474, SND 0796). The studies will examine the opportunities for citizens to... -
Medborgarundersökningen 1987 - Huvudundersökningen
This survey forms part of the report on power ´Maktutredningen´, and deals with the citizen´s possibilities to influence. To study the citizen´s possibilities to affect hers/his... -
Medborgarundersökningen 1987 - Parundersökningen
This survey forms part of the report on power ´Maktutredningen´, and deals with the citizen´s possibilities to influence. To study the citizen´s possibilities to affect hers/his... -
Akademiker under 90-talet - En studie av SACO-medlemmars arbetsvillkor - Akad...
The purpose of the survey was to obtain current knowledge about the work situation, as well as deepened understanding for important conditions, for different occupational groups... -
Hälsoresursprojektet 2008
The Health Assets Project is being carried out by the GendiQ research group at the Unit of Social Medicine. The project examines the individual, organisational and societal... -
Hälsoresursprojektet 2009
The Health Assets Project is being carried out by the GendiQ research group at the Unit of Social Medicine. The project examines the individual, organisational and societal... -
ISSP 2015 - Åsikter om jobben och arbetslivet
This survey is the Swedish part of the 2015 'International Social Survey Program' (ISSP), and it is the fourth time an ISSP-survey is focusing on Work Orientations. The... -
Politbarometer PB11/09, Slovenia
Survey is part of monthly telephone surveys, designed for measuring satisfaction with the work of Slovene government and evaluation of work of government institutions. Survey... -
Slovenian Public Opinion 2011/1
Slovenian Public Opinion 2011/1 is a package of surveys, which belongs to the Slovenian Public Opinion survey series, and it represents the first SJM 2011 round. The... -
Slovenian Public Opinion 2015
Slovenian Public Opinion 2015 survey includes 4 topical sections which cover the following national and international surveys: Work orientation ISSP 2015, Role of Government... -
Medborgarundersökningen 2002-2003
Citizen survey 2002-2003 (MBU02-03) is a follow up to citizen surveys conducted in 1987 and 1997 (SND 0474, SND 0796). The studies will examine the opportunities for citizens to... -
Medborgarundersökningen 1987 - Huvudundersökningen
This survey forms part of the report on power ´Maktutredningen´, and deals with the citizen´s possibilities to influence. To study the citizen´s possibilities to affect hers/his... -
Medborgarundersökningen 1987 - Parundersökningen
This survey forms part of the report on power ´Maktutredningen´, and deals with the citizen´s possibilities to influence. To study the citizen´s possibilities to affect hers/his... -
Akademiker under 90-talet - En studie av SACO-medlemmars arbetsvillkor - Akad...
The purpose of the survey was to obtain current knowledge about the work situation, as well as deepened understanding for important conditions, for different occupational groups... -
ISSP 2015 - Åsikter om jobben och arbetslivet
This survey is the Swedish part of the 2015 'International Social Survey Program' (ISSP), and it is the fourth time an ISSP-survey is focusing on Work Orientations. The...