ISSP 2000: ympäristö II: Suomen aineisto
Aineisto on vuoden 2000 kansainvälisen ISSP-tutkimuksen Suomen osuus. Tässä aineistossa on lisäksi mukana muutama kansallinen kysymys (kysymykset 5, 6, 29, 48 ja 52), joita ei... -
Modeled monthly surface water concentrations of fecal coliform bacteria, bioc...
These datasets contain modeled monthly mean loadings and concentrations of faecal coliform bacteria (FC), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), and total dissolved solids (TDS) in... -
Reference concentrations of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), faecal coliform ...
The attached table contains source information and measured concentrations of faecal coliform bacteria (FC), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), and total dissolved solids (TDS).... -
Internationella förhandlingsbarometern
The International Negotiations Survey is a research program with the aim to advance interdisciplinary knowledge using questionnaire data collected at international negotiations.... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 2009
Since 1986 the SOM-institute has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey - the National SOM - in order to identify the Swedish public's habits and attitudes on the topics... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 2011
Since 1986 the SOM-institute has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey - the National SOM - in order to identify the Swedish public's habits and attitudes on the topics... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 2009
Since 1986 the SOM-institute has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey - the National SOM - in order to identify the Swedish public's habits and attitudes on the topics... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 2011
Since 1986 the SOM-institute has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey - the National SOM - in order to identify the Swedish public's habits and attitudes on the topics... -
Inventory of hazardous substance concentrations in different environmental co...
Description of the dataset The data set contains an SQL-dump of a PostgreSQL data base. This data base contains concentrations of hazardous substances and other water quality... -
Inventory of hazardous substance concentrations in different environmental co...
The data set contains an SQL-dump of a PostgreSQL data base. This data base contains concentrations of hazardous substances and other water quality parameters in different... -
Inventory of hazardous substance concentrations in different environmental co...
The data set contains an SQL-dump of a PostgreSQL data base. This data base contains concentrations of hazardous substances and other water quality parameters in different... -
Spatiotemporal variation in pCO₂, CH₄, N₂O, DOM, and ancillary water quality ...
Despite growing research on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from inland waters, few systematic efforts have been made to assess the regional-scale GHG emissions from Asian rivers... -
Biocide concentrations in the dissolved and particulate fractions of urban wa...
Our work focused on biocides used in building materials and their transfer to the aquatic environment. This dataset presents the biocide concentrations measured in the dissolved... -
Stream concentrations of micropollutants in the Claduègne, Ardèche
Stream concentrations of different organic micropollutants at different times and locations throughout the Claduègne catchment in Ardèche. The data include mainly human and...