Faktorji nadaljevanja šolanja slovenske mladine, 1973
Raziskava vključuje podatke o socialnem poreklu in družinskem okolju učencev, o njihovem šolskem uspehu, izvenšolskih dejavnostih, interesih, poklicnih željah in izobraževalnih... -
Pouk slovenščine in matematike ter socialno-čustveno odzivanje učenk in učenc...
Raziskava se osredotoča na potek pouka matematike in slovenščine ter socialno-čustveno odzivanje učencev v času drugega prehoda vseh slovenskih osnovnih šol na izobraževanje na... -
Kreativnost in odkrivanje talentov
Zgodnja raziskava na temo Kreativnost in odkrivanje talentov. Early research of Creativity and identification of talents. DrugoSampProc_Other OtherSampProc_Other Drugoni... -
Development of beginning reading: A study in word recognition during the firs...
In this dissertation, which is concerned with the development of beginning reading, the following overarching question was formulated: How does word recognition of primary... -
Strengthening the educational success of socially disadvantaged children with...
Research project The project “Educational Success and Social Participation of Socially and Educationally Disadvantaged Students with Migration Background in Extended... -
Strengthening the educational success of socially disadvantaged children with...
Research project The project “Educational Success and Social Participation of Socially and Educationally Disadvantaged Students with Migration Background in Extended... -
Pre-COOL tweejarigencohort zesde meting
De bestanden betreffen de verzamelde data van de zesde meting van het tweejarigencohort van het cohortonderzoek ‘jonge kind’, het pre-COOL-cohortonderzoek. Het... -
Pre-COOL tweejarigencohort: overzicht en samengevoegde bestanden
De bestanden betreffen het tweejarigencohort van het pre-COOL-cohortonderzoek. Dit cohortonderzoek is in 2009 gestart met als doel zicht te krijgen op de effecten van... -
Pre-COOL tweejarigencohort zevende meting
De bestanden betreffen de verzamelde data van de zevende meting van het tweejarigencohort van het cohortonderzoek ‘jonge kind’, het pre-COOL-cohortonderzoek. Het... -
The Arnhem School Study (TASS) Primary School Module
Primary school module (Waves 1, 2, and 3) of The Arnhem School Study Date: Data collection period: 2007-06-30 - 2008-04-11 Valid: 2008-04-11 Valid: 2007-06-30 -
Brabant cohort - derived student file
The data contains a derived and cleaned file with selected variables from the "Brabantse zesdeklassers, 1952-2010" file prepared by Mars Cramer and Mirjam van Praag, Persistent... -
The learner as designer: Processes and effects of an experimental programme i...
In most strategy research the focus is on ready-made models provided by the teacher or textbook. However, in this research project the effects are described of an experimental... -
Further training of teachers in support of innovations in mathematics education
Topics: Design principles of mathematics education; motivation for teaching mathematic; competency development in mathematics class (theoretical imagination/factual situation);... -
The Choice of the School´s Foreign Language Profile: A Form of Horizontal Dif...
The research project investigates the question why more and more students or their parents decide to learn an old foreign language, such as Ancient Greek or Latin, although more... -
Occupation Decision between Elementary School Teacher and Junior High School ...
Attitude of education students to studies and the occupation as teacher. Topics: Goals of studies; occupational goal; desired occupation and employment before start of course... -
Elementary School and Advertising (Home-Room Teachers)
The advertising orientation of elementary schoolchildren from the perspective of their teachers. Influences of advertising on the conduct of children. Advertising as topic in... -
Elementary School and Advertising (Principals)
Infrastructure and surroundings of the elementary school as well as meal selections and the school´s dealing with visits of salesmen. Sponsoring in school. Topics: state; number... -
Visual-Verbal Paired Associate Learning: an Investigation of the Role of Verb...
A file containing the data and a file describing the variables. The aim of the study was to investigate the contribution of visual-verbal paired associate learning to reading... -
Flexibility and Adaptivity in Arithmetic Strategy Use: What Children Know and...
Central elements of adaptive expertise in arithmetic problem solving are flexibility, using multiple strategies, and adaptivity, selecting the optimal strategy. Research shows...