Tampere Health and Social Survey 2002
Kyselyssä kartoitettiin tamperelaisen aikuisväestön terveydentilaan ja toimintakykyyn, liikkumiseen, avun tarpeeseen, sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen käyttöön, asuinympäristöön... -
Death, Loss and Memory 2014
Aineisto sisältää suomalaisten kirjoituksia kuolemasta. Kirjoituksissa käsitellään läheisten kuin omaakin kuolemaa, läheisen kuoleman vaikutusta elämään, ihanteellista kuolemaa... -
Views and Use of Reformed Social and Health Services 2015
Uudistuvat sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelut 2015 -kyselytutkimuksessa selvitetään Suomessa asuvien kokemuksia ja näkemyksiä sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluista. Kyselyllä pyrittiin... -
Het gezin met een hartekind 1976
Experiences of mothers who have child with a heart-defect / school experiences / special care needed / anomy / contacts with relatives and friends / expectations in educating... -
SZW / ZARA Werkgeverspanel
Panel study (13 waves) of employers monitoring working conditions, absence, incapacity and reintegration after illness. What are the effects of new laws in these fields. The... -
Positie van de WAO client - PES3 1991-1994
PES-3 ( Project Evaluatie Stelselherziening / Evaluation of the revision of the Dutch social security system ) investigates the position of clients of the Disablement Insurance... -
Född i Stockholm på femtiotalet
The Stockholm Birth Cohort Study (SBC) was created in 2004/2005 by a probability matching of two anonymized longitudinal datasets; The Stockholm Metropolitan study and The... -
H70, kohort 1: 70-åringar födda 1901/02
H70 is one of the longitudinal population studies from Gothenburg where representative study samples of older people have been followed over a long period of time (metadata... -
H70, kohort 3: 70-åringar födda 1911/12
H70 is one of the longitudinal population studies from Gothenburg where representative study samples of older people have been followed over a long period of time (metadata... -
H70, kohort 4: 75-åringar födda 1915/16
H70 is one of the longitudinal population studies from Gothenburg where representative study samples of older people have been followed over a long period of time (metadata... -
H70, kohort 5: 70-åringar födda 1922
H70 is one of the longitudinal population studies from Gothenburg where representative study samples of older people have been followed over a long period of time (metadata... -
H70, kohort 6: 70-åringar födda 1930
H70 is one of the longitudinal population studies from Gothenburg where representative study samples of older people have been followed over a long period of time (metadata... -
H70, kohort 7: 70-åringar födda 1944
H70 is one of the longitudinal population studies from Gothenburg where representative study samples of older people have been followed over a long period of time (metadata... -
H85, kohort 2: 85-åringar födda 1923/24
'H85' is one of the longitudinal studies from Gothenburg where representative populations of older people has been followed over a long period. (Information about the studies... -
The Northern Swedish Cohort (NoSCo) 1981
In 1981 a longitudinal study began that includes all pupils who attended or should have attended the last year of compulsory school in the municipality of Luleå. The population... -
The Northern Swedish Cohort (NoSCo) 1983
In 1981 a longitudinal study began that includes all pupils who attended or should have attended the last year of compulsory school in the municipality of Luleå. The population... -
The Northern Swedish Cohort (NoSCo) 1986
In 1981 a longitudinal study began that includes all pupils who attended or should have attended the last year of compulsory school in the municipality of Luleå. The population... -
The Northern Swedish Cohort (NoSCo) 1995
In 1981 a longitudinal study began that includes all pupils who attended or should have attended the last year of compulsory school in the municipality of Luleå. The population... -
The Northern Swedish Cohort (NoSCo) 2007
In 1981 a longitudinal study began that includes all pupils who attended or should have attended the last year of compulsory school in the municipality of Luleå. The population... -
Populationsundersökningen av kvinnor i Göteborg (Kvinnoundersökningen, KVUS) ...
The population study of women in Gothenburg is a population study based at the University of Gothenburg. The study started as a cross-sectional study in 1968 including 1462...