European Values Study 2018 Austria (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. The EVS 2018 Austria study is part of a EVS 2018 study that focuses on values in European countries. This is the 4th wave, adding to the 1990,... -
European Values Study 1990-2018 Austria Longitudinal Data (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. The EVS 1990-2018 Austria Longitudinal Data Study is part of a EVS longitudinal study that focuses on values in European countries. The dataset... -
The European Values Study - Austrian COVID-19 Special Edition 2021-22 Includi...
Full edition for scientific use. The COVID-19 pandemic has dealt a heavy blow to many people’s lives and interrupted their normal course of life. The present study thus examines... -
Apprentices and Environment 1989
Goals in life, attitude and satisfaction with training occupation, attitude to the environment and conduct harmful to the environment, satisfaction with environmental... -
Schoolchildren Interval Study IS II (Older Cohort) 1979-1985, 5th Wave
Typical forms and courses of personality development and social conduct as well as professional training and work habits of young people and young adults depending on social... -
Schoolchildren Interval Study IS II (Older Cohort) 1979-1985, 4th Wave
Typical forms and courses of personality development and social conduct as well as professional training and work habits of young people and young adults depending on social... -
Schoolchildren Interval Study IS II (Older Cohort) 1979-1985, 3rd Wave
Typical forms and courses of personality development and social behavior as well as professional training and work habits of young people and young adults depending on social... -
Students Interval Study 1970 to 1985, SIS 6
Topics: Assessment of studies according to relevance to practice, requirement level, efficiency, political education, relationship between teachers and students; assessment of... -
Interval Study Capabilities and Courses of Occupation 1985-1995, 7th Wave 1992
Analysis of choice of occupation of young people and transfers into training and employment. Topics: Change of living conditions since the political turning point in the GDR;... -
Achievement Interval Study LIS 1986 to 1988 2nd Wave 1988
Conditions and processes of development of striving to achieve and conduct of young working people. Topics: future view; life goals and life planning; world view; ties to GDR;... -
Achievement Interval Study LIS 1986 to 1988 1st Wave 1986
Conditions and processes of development of striving to achieve and conduct of young working people. Topics: view of the future; life goals and life planning; world view;... -
Achievement-Personality-Scientific-Technical Progress in the GDR 1981
Self-assessment of work habits, work attitude and work motivation as well as personal work situation and situation in life by working people in combination with 3rd-party... -
Social Experiences of Adolescents 1983
Daily values, future expectations, school achievements, attitude to school and expectations of choice of occupation. Topics: Attitude to school; reasons to go to school gladly... -
Social Experiences of Young People in Transition into Working Life 1989 (Med...
Daily values, future expectations and satisfaction with choice of occupation. Topics: Occupation learned; activity in occupation learned; satisfaction with occupation; change of... -
Social Experiences of Young People in Transition into Working Life 1989 (Ski...
Daily values, future expectations and satisfaction with choice of occupation. Topics: Occupation learned; activity in occupation learned; satisfaction with occupation; change of... -
Social Experiences of Young People in Transition into Working Life 1989 (Stu...
Daily values, future expectations, school achievements, attitude to school and expectations of choice of occupation. Topics: Activity after high school graduation; subject area;... -
Social Experiences of Young People in Transition into Working Life 1986 (Tec...
Daily values, future expectations, school achievements, attitude to school and expectations of choice of occupation. Topics: Satisfaction with selected occupation; fulfillment... -
Social Experiences of Young People in Transition into Working Life 1986 (App...
Daily values, future expectations, school achievements, attitude to school and expectations of choice of occupation. Topics: Satisfaction with selected occupation; fulfillment... -
Social Experiences of Young People in Transition into Working Life 1986 (Sch...
Daily values, future expectations, school achievements, attitude to school and expectations of choice of occupation. Topics: Activity after high school graduation; desire to... -
Social Experiences of Young People in Transition into Working Life 1991
Analysis of changed living conditions, activities and social experiences of young people after conclusion of vocational training or in studies. Topics: Employment status;...