14 datasets found

Keywords: Pflanzen und Tiere

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  • Flash Eurobarometer 379 (Attitudes of Europeans Towards the Issue of Biodiver...

    Attitudes towards and knowledge about biodiversity. Topics: awareness of the term ‘biodiversity‘; self-rated knowledge about the loss of biodiversity; seriousness of the...
  • Eurobarometer 81.3 (2014)

    Since the early 1970s the European Commission´s Standard & Special Eurobarometer are regularly monitoring the public opinion in the European Union member countries....
  • Eurobarometer 83.4 (2015)

    Since the early 1970s the European Commission´s Standard & Special Eurobarometer are regularly monitoring the public opinion in the European Union member countries....
  • Consciousness of Nature 2013

    Consciousness of nature. Ecofriendly consumption. Energy transition and landscape changes. Attitudes towards wilderness areas and agricultural landscapes. Attitudes towards...
  • Consciousness of Nature 2015

    Consciousness of nature. Nature in the city. Attitudes towards nature and nature protection. Attitude towards biodiversity. Agricultural landscapes and agricultural production....
  • Consciousness of Nature 2017

    Since 2009, the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety has conducted a representative population survey on the attitude of the...
  • Eurobarometer 90.4 (2018)

    Since the early 1970s the European Commission´s Standard & Special Eurobarometer are regularly monitoring the public opinion in the European Union member countries....
  • Consciousness of Nature 2019

    Since 2009, the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety has conducted a representative population survey on the attitude of the...
  • Eurobarometer 63.2 (Feb-Mar 2005)

    This round of Eurobarometer surveys diverged from the standard Eurobarometer measures and queried respondents on their opinions regarding radioactive waste, transport services,...
  • Environmental Consciousness in Germany 2008

    Beurteilung von Umweltpolitik, Klimawandel, Klimafolgenanpassung, Umwelt und Gerechtigkeit, Biodiversität, Naturverständnis, Gentechnik, Artenvielfalt und Konsum. Themen: 1....
  • Flash Eurobarometer 219 (Attitudes of Europeans Towards the Issue of Biodive...

    Attitudes towards and knowledge about biodiversity. Topics: awareness of the term ‘biodiversity‘; associations with the phrase ‘loss of biodiversity‘; self-rated knowledge...
  • Consciousness of Nature 2009

    - Einstellung zur Natur und zur Umwelt. Biologische Vielfalt. Verhältnis von Mensch und Natur. Naturerfahrung. Nutzung und Schutz der Natur. Themen: 1. Teil: Mündliche...
  • Consciousness of Nature 2011

    Naturbewusstsein und Engagement zum Schutz der Natur. Einstellungen zur biologischen Vielfalt. Naturverträglicher Konsum. Einstellungen zur Energiewende und den mit ihr...
  • Flash Eurobarometer 290 (Attitudes of Europeans Towards the Issue of Biodive...

    Attitudes towards and knowledge about biodiversity. Topics: awareness of the term ‘biodiversity‘; associations with the phrase ‘loss of biodiversity‘; self-rated knowledge about...
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