Novel Mechanisms of Green Tea Anti-Oxidants by Mu-SR, INS and DFT Experiments
A proposal is made to continue ongoing ALC-muSR experiments on the green-tea anti-oxidant EGCG and its analogue. Several overlapping resonances observed on HiFi made it... -
The electronic structure and magnetic properties of metal nanoparticles stabi...
In recent years, nanoparticles have been a major source of interest in a wide range of fields. Our long term objectives are tuning the free radical reactivity on the surface of... -
RF μSR in the gas phase: understanding a ¿null¿ result
We have made a significant effort to develop Radio Frequency μSR (RF μSR) as a technique for spectroscopy of organic radicals in the gas phase. Realising this method... -
The role of spin-orbit interaction on Group-III-trisquinolates
Spin based electronics (spintronics) is one of the most exciting and challenging areas in nanotechnology. It is expected to be of major scientific and social impact. Very little... -
Interaction of Xe with Membranes Using µSR
The mechanism of action of inhalation anaesthetics such as N2O and the inert gases are unclear. Direct binding to receptor sites on membranes would rely on weak intermolecular... -
Towards a validated standard method for performing DFT calculations of muoniu...
In this proposal we want to address the issue of the identification of the different muonium adducts that are possible in Alq3 without any crystallographic constraints, and... -
End-Game: Cornering Solvent Effects on H-Addition in Green Tea Anti-Oxidants
Our ongoing project to characterise radical scavenging by the green tea anti-oxidant EGCG and its D-ring analogue, (3,4,5-(OH)3-Bz) is near-complete. ALC-MuSR experiments on the... -
Characterisation of Green-Tea Radical Scavengers by ALC-MuSR and High-Level C...
We propose to characterise selected radical structures of the green-tea anti-oxidant flavenoid EGCG (& selected analogues), by DFT/post-HF computation and ALC-MuSR, towards... -
Dynamics in oleic acid: solid and melt.
Increasing interest in biofuels has led to a desire to understand the phase characteristics of the compounds present in these fuels and how the dynamics of the fluid might be... -
Interaction of N2O with Membranes Using µSR
Nitrous oxide, N2O, is an inhalant anaesthetic with a long history of use dating back to 1844. It is most commonly used as a light sedative in dentistry, or in child birth and... -
RF MuSR in the gas phase: The Search for a Radical State
The main spectroscopic technique for studying radicals in solids and liquids, ESR, cannot usually be used to study radicals of more than 3-5 atoms in the gas phase due to strong... -
ALC muon spectroscopy of antioxidants
In a previous experiment (RB910492) we have made preliminary measurements of the rates of addition of muonium to vitamins C and E, as suggested by the ISIS panel. These rates... -
Artificial [FeFe]-Hydrogenases and Muon Spectroscopy
Preliminary measurements of [FeFe]-hydrogenase model complexes were made in a previous experiment using EMU (RB 1010177). The results were interpreted in combination with DFT... -
Silicon nanoparticles in thermoelectric material applications - Solution stat...
In order to meet the UK's commitment to reduce 80% of greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, it is necessary make major advances in efficient, clean and secure energy conversion and... -
Probing the [FeFe]-hydrogenase using muon spectroscopy
During our previous experiment on HiFi (RB1320541) we measured the ALC spectrum of the Fe2(µ-pdt)(CO)4(PMe3)2 model hydrogenase complex over multiple temperatures. The spectra... -
Antioxidants are very important molecules because they can prevent or slow down the oxidative damage to our bodies. When our bodies use oxygen, free radicals are released which...