Hälsosam 1997-2001. En riktad hälsoundersökning av kvinnor i barnomsorgen Hud...
The Hälsosam project is an unpublished targeted survey of health and work environmental factors in a group of female professionals in the Municipality of Huddinge (1997-2001).... -
SWEOLD - Undersökningen om äldre personers levnadsvillkor
SWEOLD is a nationally representative survey of the older population in Sweden. The sample consists of individuals previously included in the selection of Swedish Level of... -
SNAC - Swedish National study on Aging and Care.
The long-term longitudinal study SNAC - The Swedish National Study on Aging and Care - was launched in 2001 by initiative of the Swedish government in order to answer questions... -
The Swedish National study on Aging and Care in Kungsholmen (SNAC-K)
The national study SNAC - The Swedish National Study on Aging and Care, includes four participating areas: SNAC-Blekinge, SNAC Kungsholmen, SNAC Nordanstig and SNAC Skåne... -
The Swedish National study on Aging and Care in Nordanstig (SNAC-N)
The national study SNAC - The Swedish National Study on Aging and Care, includes four participating areas: SNAC-Blekinge, SNAC Kungsholmen, SNAC Nordanstig and SNAC Skåne... -
The Swedish National study on Aging and Care in Blekinge (SNAC-B)
The national study SNAC - The Swedish National Study on Aging and Care, includes four participating areas: SNAC-Blekinge, SNAC Kungsholmen, SNAC Nordanstig and SNAC Skåne... -
The Swedish National study on Aging and Care in Skåne (SNAC-S) - GÅS
The national study SNAC - The Swedish National Study on Aging and Care, includes four participating areas: SNAC-Blekinge, SNAC Kungsholmen, SNAC Nordanstig and SNAC Skåne Gott... -
Vårdkedja: från akutmottagning till eget boende
The intervention “A continuum of care for frail elderly people” takes place in the municipality of Mölndal, Sweden, including municipal health and social care, the hospital of... -
Äldre i riskzonen
"Elderly persons in the risk zone" is a health-promoting and preventive intervention study. The intention was that the study group should comprise a representative sample of... -
Uppsala Birth Cohort Multigeneration Study (UBCoS)
The unique multigenerational data base, Uppsala Birth Cohort Multigeneration Study (UBCoS), was established in 2004 by combining existing data on a representative and... -
Eurobarometer 43.0: Cross-border purchases, smoking habits, and cancer risks,...
This round of Eurobarometer surveys queried respondents on standard Eurobarometer measures such as public awareness of and attitudes toward the European Union (EU), and also... -
Svensk-finsk ordlista: utmätnings- och konkursord
Swedish-Finnish glossary containing attachment, sale, and liquidation words. Published in Kieliviesti 1/2007. Contains approximately 160 entries. 2007. Swedish-Finnish... -
Svensk-finsk ordlista: vårdnadsutredning
Swedish - Finnish glossary with custody enquiry words. Published in Kieliviesti 4/2007. Contains approximately 150 entries. 2007. Svensk-sverigefinsk ordlista med... -
Hälsosam 1997-2001. En riktad hälsoundersökning av kvinnor i barnomsorgen Hud...
The Hälsosam project is an unpublished targeted survey of health and work environmental factors in a group of female professionals in the Municipality of Huddinge (1997-2001).... -
Hälsosam 1997-2001. En riktad hälsoundersökning av kvinnor i barnomsorgen Hud...
The Hälsosam project is an unpublished targeted survey of health and work environmental factors in a group of female professionals in the Municipality of Huddinge (1997-2001).... -
VIPVIZA Visualisering av tyst åderförkalkning för effektivare och mer jämlik ...
The aim of the project is to develop better methods for prevention of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). It is based on the hypothesis that image-based information on subclinical... -
VIPVIZA Visualisering av tyst åderförkalkning för effektivare och mer jämlik ...
The aim of the project is to develop better methods for prevention of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). It is based on the hypothesis that image-based information on subclinical... -
VIPVIZA Visualisering av tyst åderförkalkning för effektivare och mer jämlik ...
The aim of the project is to develop better methods for prevention of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). It is based on the hypothesis that image-based information on subclinical... -
VIPVIZA Visualisering av tyst åderförkalkning för effektivare och mer jämlik ...
The aim of the project is to develop better methods for prevention of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). It is based on the hypothesis that image-based information on subclinical... -
VIPVIZA Visualisering av tyst åderförkalkning för effektivare och mer jämlik ...
The aim of the project is to develop better methods for prevention of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). It is based on the hypothesis that image-based information on subclinical...