Pressure effect on stable and metastable structural phases in geometrically f...
Geometrically frustrated antiferromagnet LuBaCo4O7 exhibits unusual competition between two low-temperature phases with orthorhombic and monoclinic symmetry. Depending on... -
Ba3MoNbO8.5 novel oxide ion conductor: Direct observation of oxide ion dynamics
Oxide ion conductors are researched as electrolytes in solid oxide fuel cells. Yttria-stabilized zirconia is the currently used electrolyte in SOFCs, leading to high operating... -
Excitations in an orbitally dimerized spin S=1 honeycomb antiferromagnet
Ru4+ ions in Li2RuO3 are on a bipartite lattice and have an orbital degeneracy. The four electrons of the magnetic Ru4+ ions in the threefold-orbitally degenerate t2g manifold... -
Magnetic excitations in the quantum spin ice Yb2Ti2O7
We propose to carry out an inelastic neutron scattering experiment at LET to investigate the excitations in the quantum spin ice Yb2Ti2O7. In contrast to other single crystal... -
Exploration of the pressure-induced amorphization and glassy states of THF-cl...
Clathrate hydrates (CHs) are ice structures in which water molecules (host) form cages through hydrogen bonds. The cages can accommodate various types of molecules (guests),... -
Short range static and thermal disorder in glasses and crystals
We seek to use the temperature-dependence of the neutron correlation function to investigate the extent of static disorder in glasses and crystals, and also to investigate the... -
Surface adsorption in multi-component biosurfactant-surfactant mixtures
This proposal is about the development of sustainable detergency based formulations, based on the blending of biosurfactants with conventional surfactants, and is part of a CASE... -
Understanding the structural changes in bioactive aluminium-doped phosphate g...
Additions of a small amount of alumina to bioactive phosphate-based glass significantly improves the formation of the hydroxycarbonate apatite layer on the surface when exposed... -
Kinetics of Hydrogen Abstraction in Alkanes by Mu Reactivity studied by RF Re...
Hydrogen abstraction reactions are key steps in free radical mechanisms that dominate the combustion and atmospheric chemistry of the alkane hydrocarbons and, as such, merit... -
Relation between surface tension and adsorbed amount of proteins at the air/w...
The surface tension of proteins often exhibits a reproducible lagtime, which is sensitiv to a range of conditions such as concentration, pH, ionic strength. We have also found... -
Kinetics of Hydrogen Abstraction in Alkanes by Mu Reactivity studied by RF Re...
Hydrogen abstraction reactions are key steps in free radical mechanisms that dominate the combustion and atmospheric chemistry of the alkane hydrocarbons and, as such, merit... -
Magnetic correlation length measurements in Fe/Si multilayers using spin echo...
We wish to investigate the magnetic structure of a series of magnetic multilayers using a new technique we have successfully implemented called Spin Echo Modulated Small Angle... -
Long-Range and Local Structures of New Pyrochlores and Fluorites
We propose to study by total neutron scattering the structures of some complex oxide materials prepared by new hydrothermal routes in order to construct structural models... -
Crystal electric field (CEF) effects in heavy fermion system YbRh3Si7
We studied a new metamagnetic heavy-fermion (HF) compound YbRh3 Si7, synthesized for the first time. This is the first HF compound in the ScRh3Si7 family, for which the only... -
A structural study of titanium tellurite glasses
Tellurite glasses exhibit strong non-linear properties which are related to the asymmetric environment of the Te atom. The non-linear optical effects are strongest when the Te... -
Developing a model for tellurium coordination change in glasses
We wish to better understand the evolution of the tellurium environment in glasses with the addition of modifier oxides. The aim is to relate these structural changes to the... -
Evaluation of inelasticity effects in diffraction
For total diffraction measurements using neutrons it is important to correct the data for inelasticity effects, especially for samples containing light atoms. Conventionally... -
How does oxidative damage change peptide membrane insertion?
The insertion of peptides and proteins into cell membranes is crucial for the functioning of cells, and also for the functioning of a variety of antibacterial reagents. Cells... -
Rosseinsky programme access GEM
The proposal develops recent observations on spin-lattice coupling in incommensurate materials (objective - measure influence of applied field on evolution of structural... -
Structure-Property Relationships in Photoluminescent Platinum and Palladium C...
The average and local structure in the mixed-metal cyanides, Ni1/2Pt1/2(CN)2, Ni1/2Pd1/2(CN)2 and Pd1/2Pt1/2(CN)2 will be determined to give the M-C and M-N bond lengths, the...