Slovenski utrip 11/2014
Osrednja tema sta bila razvoj in delo, v kar je vključeno posplošeno zaupanje, lastništvo gospodarstva, predlogi izboljšav in izobraževanje oz. selitev za bolje plačano službo.... -
Dejavniki, ki vplivajo na prilagoditve delovnih mest za invalide, 2012
Raziskava je zasnovana na ameriškem vprašalniku. V preliminarni fazi je bila uporabljena tudi kvalitativna metodologija fokusnih skupin za poglobljeno uporabo in nadgradnjo... -
Pravice zaposlenih
Namen raziskave je ugotoviti mnenje anketiranih o pravicah zaposlenih danes v primerjavi s tistimi pred osamosvojitvijo, pa tudi mnenje o tem, kdo bi moral najbolj skrbeti za... -
MOSAiCH COVID-19. Measurement and Observation of Social Attitudes in Switzerl...
The first wave of this COVID-19 survey was fielded as part of the 2020 MOSAiCH survey. MOSAiCH is a yearly cross-sectional survey that focuses on the Swiss population’s values... -
Berufliche Entscheidungen und Entwicklungsverläufe im Jugendalter und jungen ...
Das Ziel dieses Projekts liegt in der Analyse von Determinanten von Berufsbildungsentscheidungen von Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen. Es werden aus der Perspektive von... -
Survey on the Size and Structure of the Swiss Occupational Therapy Workforce
In order to plan and implement effective measures to counter staff shortages among OTs in Switzerland, empirical data on the size and structure of the Swiss occupational therapy... -
Erwerbsunterbrüche vor der Geburt: Befragung Arbeitgebende
Le projet de recherche contribue à répondre au Postulat Maury Pasquier (15.3793), qui demande au Conseil fédéral de préparer un rapport sur les interruptions de travail des... -
Activités de placement de bénéficiaires sur le marché du travail par les entr...
Malgré leurs nombreuses définitions et modèles, il est généralement admis ici et ailleurs que les entreprises sociales d’insertion ont pour caractéristiques d’offrir des emplois... -
European Social Survey, Switzerland - 2010
The ESS survey (European Social Survey, http://www.europeansocialsurvey.org) emerged from the need to obtain comparative data in Europe on a number of issues of political... -
Enquête sur la mobilité spatiale et professionnelle en Suisse - 1981
Depuis plus d'un siècle, la Suisse vit un processus considérable de concentration démographique et socio-économique en quelques pôles de son territoire. Depuis 1970, les... -
Skills for Industry: TVET stakeholder Interviews - Training Providers
This research project investigated the role of Vocational Skills Development (VSD) in fostering inclusive industrial growth and transformation in low and middle-income... -
ISSP Module on "The Role of Government III", Switzerland, Teilreplikation - 1996
Advancing globalization, expansion of the service sector, and the rapid spread of new technology on the job are bringing about rapid changes in working life. The goals of the... -
Schweizer Arbeitsmarkt-Gesamtsurvey - 1998
Advancing globalization, expansion of the service sector, and the rapid spread of new technology on the job are bringing about rapid changes in working life. The goals of the... -
Umfrage "Förderung des politischen Engagements der Mitarbeitenden" bei Untern...
The militia concept and the strong anchoring of political responsibility in the population at large are supporting elements of the political system in Switzerland - especially... -
Living in Switzerland Waves 1-24 (including a long file) + Covid 19 data + Be...
Collecting data on households and individuals since 1999, the Swiss Household Panel (SHP) is an ongoing, unique, large-scale, nationally representative, longitudinal study in... -
Befragung zu Massnahmen zur Diversität in (gewinnorientierten) Organisationen...
Diversität in Unternehmen, also die Vielfalt von Mitarbeitenden in Bezug auf wahrnehmbare, kategoriale Merkmale, ist in den letzten Jahren zu einem wichtigen Thema in der... -
Swiss nurses’ career paths - nurses at work - n@w - 2014
Insufficient nursing staff levels have been shown to have a negative impact on the quality of care, increasing patient morbidity and mortality. In order to address the issue of... -
Comparative Political Data Set 1960 -1996
Das Projekt geht von zwei konkurrierenden Hypothesen aus. Sie machen gegensätzliche Aussagen über die Möglichkeit autonomer Innenpolitik von nationalen politischen Systemen. Der... -
Evaluationen in Organisationen der Sozialen Arbeit (EVALSA) - Survey
The project investigated which forms and types of evaluation exist in organizations in various fields of social work in German-speaking Switzerland, and examined their... -
Projekt Berufseinstieg Lehrpersonen T0-T4 Panel-Befragung
Initial situation Entering the teaching profession is considered a key phase in the professional biography of teachers. Teachers entering the profession are confronted with the...