Magnetic ordering in the layered oxide chalcogenides A2FeO3CuCh (A = Ca, Sr; ...
This proposal is to measure the evolution of the magnetic structures of a series of iron oxide chalcogenides and compare the structures as a function of cation sizes and with... -
Spin-orbit transitions in Co2V2O7
We propose to investigate the magnetic fluctuations and spin-orbit transitions in Co2V2O7. This material is structurally related to CoV2O6 which displays cascading magnetization... -
Investigation of the excitation spectrum in the 1D distorted diamond chain Az...
We propose to investigate the excitation spectrum of azurite in both zero field and applied fields up to 7T. Using inelastic neutrons on OSIRIS we hope to clearly resolve the... -
Probing the role of atomic and magnetic order in chemically substituted NiMnI...
Ni-Mn based Heusler alloys are magnetic multifunctional materials currently under intense research efforts thanks to their unique coexistence of a reversible structural... -
Melting the long-range magnetic order in SrEr2O4 with an applied magnetic field
We have observed an interesting phenomenon of the destruction of long-range magnetic order in SrEr2O4 by a relatively modest applied magnetic field. For a field applied along... -
Quantum magnetism in lanthanide gallium garnet magnetocaloric materials
Geometrically frustrated lanthanide gallium garnets find practical applications as low temperature magnetocalorics, but the competing interactions in these materials may give... -
Magnetic excitations in mesoporous hematite
We have recently prepared mesoporous forms of various metals oxides. In some cases the imposition of a mesostructure changes other properties of the material significantly. One... -
Magnetic order in a three-dimensional honeycomb iridate
Oxides of 5d elements such as Ir and Os have been attracting much attention as candidates to realize novel types of electronic ground states stabilized by the strong spin orbit... -
Magnetic structure of a novel quantum magnet
Preliminary bulk measurements show that Ba(TiO)Cu4(PO4)4 is a potentially exciting candidate for studies of low-dimensional magnetism. However, currently relatively little is... -
Spin waves in as-grown PLCCO-- How doping without annealing affects the spin ...
We propose to study the spin wave excitations of nonsuperconducting single crystal Pr0.88LaCe0.12CuO4 (PLCCO). Previous experiments on superconducting PLCCO have shown that spin... -
Magnetic-field induced long-range spin order in quantum spin liquid candidate...
Quantum spin liquid (QSL) is a novel state of matter where the spins are highly entangled with one another but fluctuate strongly down to zero temperature. It may be associated... -
Chloride Intracellular Channel insertion into Tethered Bilayer Membranes
Part One of the proposal is concerned with the fundamental structure of the TBM and aims to determine: (i) the impact of spacer molecule length on the dimensions of the bilayer... -
Magnetic correlations in the Heavy Fermion Ce3Co4Sn13
Ce3Co4Sn13 is a cubic heavy Fermion system which resides close to a magnetic instability.Under ambient conditions Ce3Co4Sn13 exhibits an extremely large (4 J/mol Ce K2) peak in... -
Neutron diffraction study of antiperovskite Mn3CoXN: a potential magnetocalor...
Materials exhibiting giant magnetocaloric effect (i.e. the large temperature change under a magnetic field variation) are the most promising type for magnetic refrigeration.... -
Copy of: Magnetic excitations in the one dimensional (1D) spin-chain systems:...
The spin-chain systems with general formula A¿3ABO6, crystallizing in the K4CdCl6 type structure has attracted a lot attention in recent years due to geometrical frustration... -
Pressure-dependence of the anisotropic exchange interactions in two closely r...
There are no magneto-structural correlations for clusters containing transition metal ions with non-zero orbital angular momentum in the ground state. Octahedrally coordinated... -
Electric field effect on the interfacial uncompensated spins in the Co/BiFeO3...
We propose a study on the electric field control of uncompensated spins in the Co/BiFeO3/STO bilayer system by PNR. Multiferroic BiFeO3 (BFO) has attracted enormous interest... -
Phospholipid exchange between tethered bilayers and vesicles
Our objective is to create asymmetric solid surface tethered bilayers (tBLMs) with the the outer leaflet predominately populated by charged phospholipids. tBLMs are produced by... -
Neutron diffraction experiments on an Etruscan vase
An antique vase from an Etruscan necropolis was made available for neutron-based experiments at ISIS. Preliminary studies on this sample have shown unusual features and opened...