Muon Spin Relaxation studies of Ni2TCNQ, Ni(TCNQ)2 and related materials
Amorphous molecular magnetic materials Ni2(OA) (OA:organic acceptor) were reported to exhibit ferromagnetism with Curie temperatures >400K. This work is controversial as it... -
High Temperature Spin Transition in LaCoO3
We aim to continue our investigation of the high temperature magnetic interactions in LaCoO3. Our previous experiment has confirmed magnetic susceptibility data, with a change... -
Probing the Magnetism and Suspected Quantum Fluctuations in Green Dioptase
It has been suggested that within green dipotase there the magnetism is dominated by quantum flucuations but evidence for this is not definitive. This means that in this... -
Copy of: Towards a Method of Quantifying Electrophilicity and Nucleophilicity
Our understanding of chemical reactivity is founded on the fundamental concepts of Electrophilicity and Neucleophilicity. There are a number of attempts of limited applicability... -
Using muons to examine lithium diffusion behaviour in olivine nanoparticles
The constant global demand on energy resources, coupled to a diminishing supply of fossil fuels, has pushed Li-ion battery cathode development to the research forefront.... -
Muon Spectroscopy Training School 2018
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Novel skyrmionic spin textures in non-chiral magnets
Magnetic skyrmions are topologically protected objects that exist in the spin texture of certain magnetic materials. We have shown that muon spin relaxation is a powerful... -
Molecular Dynamics in Polystyrene
A basic understanding of the dynamic processes in polystyrene (PS) is a question of utmost interest and has technological ramifications due to its importance in commercial... -
Li-diffusion dynamics in high voltage fluoride-containing cathodes
Research on positive insertion electrodes for high performance batteries has seen immense interest in fluoride containing compounds, since higher operating potentials can be... -
Chasing the hydrogen-saturated defects in tungsten with Muon spectroscopy
The structure and dynamics of hydrogen (H) defects in tungsten recently become a topic of major interest since this metal has been chosen as shielding material for the next step... -
Probing phase transitions in vanadium oxide polymorphs using muons
Vanadium oxides have attracted considerable attention, not only due to their potential technological applications, but also because of the rich variety of structures and... -
MuSR investigations of TNO and LLZO diffusion mechanics above room temperature
Li-ion technologies are at the forefront of energy storage applications, including automotive and stationary storage, to meet global demand. TiNb2O7 (TNO) has recently garnered... -
Evolution of magnetic ordering in three oxide arsenides containing CrO2 layer...
This experiment will probe the evolution of magnetic ordering in compounds with square planar Cr2+ ions in CrO2 oxide layers, and the interaction of these moments with Mn2+ and... -
Muon spin-relaxation probe of chiral spin-liquid state in YBaCo4O7
Geometrically frustrated antiferromagnets RBa(Co/Fe)4O7 (R=rare earth or Y) exhibit a weak ferromagnetic component in the high-temperature spin-liquid phase. Based on a symmetry... -
Testing the Stokes-Einstein relation in a plastic crystal
We propose to examine the microscopic dynamic properties of a class of solid ion conductors known as ?plastic crystals?. The name ?plastic? reflect the ability of these... -
Investigation of carrier transport in the organic semiconductor 8-hydroxy-qui...
Using the Emu spectrometer at ISIS we have recently studied charge carrier transport in the technologically important molecule 8-hydroxy-quinoline aluminium, by probing the... -
Cyclic Processes in Mid-Range SiGe Alloys
We propose longitudinal muon spin depolarization measurements to extract the energy for the T-site Mu acceptor level in mid-range SiGe alloys where a direct determination of the... -
Possible new magnetic structure for pure Tb and its Y alloys at low temperature
Our previous study indicates the possible existence of a new modulated magnetic structure in pure Tb and its diluted Y alloys. Here we plan to take advantage of the capability... -
Isovalent cation substitution and the AF-SC boundary of oxypnictides
We have prepared a new family of electron-doped oxypnictides \RFeF\ with the same average Rare Earth radius as that yielding the highest superconducting Tc to date, i.e. the... -
Studying Electron Freezing and The Emergence of Static Magentic Order in Nb a...
One of the technological goals is to create materials that show high permittivity and low dielectric loss, which has been achieved by the co-doping of Nb and In into rutile...