Data from: Sequence Imputation from Low Density Single Nucleotide Polymorphis...
This dataset includes analysis files for the paper "Sequence Imputation from Low Density Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Panel in a Black Poplar Breeding population" -
Datasets for the "srnadiff" article.
The dataset contains all the BAM files in order to reproduce the results given in the article. -
Bioinformatic and statistical scripts for "Fort et al. 2020. Maternal effects...
This dataset contains R-scripts to analyse the diversity and composition of seed fungal communities (Fort et al. 2020. Maternal effects shape seed fungal communities in Quercus... -
Data associated with "Food and habitat supplementation promotes predatory mit...
This dataset gathers the raw results of four experiments performed on the predatory mite Neoseiulus cucumeris, with different kinds of supplementations, in laboratory (two... -
PGD Structure EPGV
This document is the data management plan of the EPGV Unit. -
Plan de gestion de données du projet "CARtographie"
Plan de gestion de données pour le projet "CARtographie" ou "Impact des cellules CAR T sur l'hétérogénéité tumorale" du laboratoire des Dynamiques des Réponses Immunes à... -
Plan de gestion de données du projet "INCA-AAP-PLBIO-2022-214"
Plan de gestion de données pour le projet "Impact du système immunitaire sur les altérations génomiques et l’hétérogénéité intratumorale", du laboratoire des Dynamiques des... -
AB-SR (AntiBody Sequence Reconstructor) software: datasets for complete bench...
Files, folders, tabular data and some raw data used in the publication: AB-SR reconstructs polyclonal antibody Fv domains after bottom-up proteomic de-novo sequencing (N.... -
Evaluation of Bioprinted Autologous Cartilage Grafts in an Immunocompetent Ra...
The current gold standard of auricular reconstruction involves a highly time-consuming manual graft assembly from autologous costal cartilage. The intervention may require... -
Diagnostic test results VL mini-dbPCR-NALFIA
Fully anonymized data on diagnostic test results for visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in study subjects whose blood samples were used in the evaluation of mini-dbPCR-NALFIA, an... -
The relationship between the microbiome and posttraumatic stress disorder: a ...
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, is a significant health challenge affecting an extensive demographic worldwide. Despite the availability of various treatments, their... -
Neuron-astrocyte metabolic coupling facilitates spinal plasticity and mainten...
Long-lasting pain stimuli can trigger maladaptive changes in the spinal cord, reminiscent of plasticity associated with memory formation. Metabolic coupling between astrocytes... -
Prediction of improvement in Personality Functioning. Utilisation of machine ...
Introduction. Since its introduction in the DSM-5 and the ICD-11, the construct of personality functioning has received increased research interest. Recent studies have shown... -
Replication Data for: CO2 stunning in pigs: Physiological deviations at onset...
Stunning by carbon dioxide (CO2) inhalation is controversial, and excitatory behaviour is commonly observed. It is still unknown which behaviours indicate transition into... -
Replication Data for: Red and melanized focal changes in white skeletal muscl...
Focal melanization in the skeletal muscle of farmed Atlantic salmon is a great welfare and economic problem in the aquaculture industry. The focal discoloration is a result of a... -
Replication Data for: Free-ranging cattle and the return of the wolf
Wildlife camera recordings of two wolf attacks on free-ranging Galloway cattle The dataset contains five 30s wildlife camera recordings of two wolf attacks on free-ranging... -
Healthcare professionals' perspectives on allied healthcare coordination duri...
Interviewguide Focus group guide Coding tree Additional quotes Dutch healthcare system summary -
Replication Data for: European data on mortality, unmet medical needs and hea...
The rationale for demand side cost sharing in health insurance is to deter patients from using low value care. But if agents are cash constrained, demand side cost sharing can... -
Replication Data for: Cognitive enhancement via neuromodulation and video ga...
This dataset contains one file of data collected during the 2014-2017 period at the Cognitive NeuroLab (cognitiveneurolab.org, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, UOC) as part of...