Small angle neutron diffraction study of water re-crystallisation in solution...
Cryo-preservation is one of the most efficient methods used for storage and recovery of endangered species tissue for fertility treatment. Under low temperature conditions (~... -
Neutron reflection from surface-induced nana-stratified He-3/He-4 mixtures
It is proposed to use neutron reflectometry to study surface-induced nano-stratification of 3He-4He mixtures in the ultra-low temperature limit. The experiment promises to... -
Searching for the missing phase of SrTiO3; commissioning a new cryogenic pres...
Generating pressure above 1GPa for neutron diffraction typically requires the use of a Paris-Edinburgh press. Whilst the presses operate very reliably at ambient temperature,... -
Neutron scattering measurements of internal stress in the GdBCO second genera...
Second generation high temperature superconducting (2G HTS) tapes are one of the most rapidly developing branches of superconducting materials. The GdBaCuO tapes are more... -
Cryopreservation of liver cell spheroids used in artificial liver bio-transpl...
The development of new cryopreservation strategies has major potential in medicine, in particular for storage of biological matter. The detailed characteristics of the cooling... -
Neutron reflectometry from surface of liquid 3He/4He film on silicon wafer
As it was predicted theoretically by Andreev at zero temperature for dilute 3He in 4He mixtures, 3He atoms will form a 2D Fermi liquid at liquid helium surface. Direct... -
Neutron reflection from the surface of a liquid 3He-4He mixture
In our previous experiments we have investigated the surface properties of liquid 3He - 4He mixtures by neutron reflection. We have shown that in broad temperature range there... -
Structure of High Density and Low Density solid water
The hypothetical connection between liquid water and the two liquid phases: Low Density Liquid (LDL) and High Density Liquid (HDL) has been difficult to prove experimentally... -
Cryopreservation of liver transplant cells
Development of new cryopreservation strategies has major potential in medicine and agriculture, and is critical to the conservation of endangered species that currently cannot... -
Neutron reflectometry from surface of liquid 3He/4He film on silicon wafer
A superfluid helium film can host a variety of exotic quantum phenomena, such as the topological BerezinskiiKosterlitzThouless transition, Rollins film flow and Third sound.... -
Further study of high pressure magnetic order and superstructure in BiNiO3 at...
Transition metal oxides make up a remarkable group of materials, exhibiting a wide variety of unusual electronic and magnetic properties. They have generated much interest, in... -
Investigation of the relevant thermodynamic parameters for the production of ...
With fantastic flux gains over its liquid conterpart, a solid methane moderator is essential to the newly built Second Target Station at ISIS. Unfortunately, it is notoriously... -
Measuring of vitrified fraction proportion in cryoprotective solution by neut...
This dataset has no description
Hydrates in the binary system waterdimethylsulfoxide
Mixture of water and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) are useful as preservative liquids for the storage of living cells at very low temperatures, such that they can be revived and used... -
Neutorn Reflection from a 3He layer adsorbed onto liquid 4He
More than four decades ago A. F. Andreev predicted theoretically the existence of quantum statesof 3He atoms on free surface of liquid 4He . In other words, at low temperatures,... -
Cryopreservation of liver cell spheroids used in artificial liver bio-transpl...
The development of new cryopreservation strategies has major potential in medicine, in particular for storage of biological matter. The detailed characteristics of the cooling... -
The use of neutron diffraction to determine residual stresses in standard ISI...
High-pressure research is one of the fastest-growing areas of natural science. The European Commission is funding the Sample Environment Joint Research Activity (JRA) between... -
Measuring the strain profile in opposed sapphire anvils
Sapphire can be used as a hard anvil material to generate high pressures on other samples of interest. Sapphire anvils, though not as strong as diamond anvils, are easily... -
Using small angle neutron diffraction to describe the status of water in solu...
Fish oocytes and embryos are complex cryobiological objects for which, successful cryopreservation has still not been achieved. This circumstance seriously restricts the... -
Copy of: Bose-Einstein Condensation and Superflow in Liquid 4He in Disorder
We propose neutron scattering measurements of the atomic momentum distribution and the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) fraction, n0(T) of liquid 4He confined in Vycor. Liquid 4He...