During 4 expeditions to Potter Cove, King George Island, Antarctica (Carlini base: February-March 2015, September 2015, December 2015 and December 2016), benthic chambers were deployed in situ at three locations with differing glacial melt impact (Faro, Isla D, Creek) to measure total oxygen exchange at the sediment-water interface. Dark chambers measured community respiration, while light chambers measured net community metabolism. Sediment parameters were measured in the top 5 cm at the same location as the benthic chambers (sediment physico-chemical parameters, as well as prokyarotic and meiobenthic density and biomass; density and biomass of macrobenthos and of the large burrowing bivalve Laternula elliptica were measured separately).A detailed record of climatology, meteorology and oceanography of Potter Cove over the entire period spanning between the first (February 2015) and last (December 2016) benthic chamber deployment is also provided.