Maximum Likelihood Estimates of Temperatures using Data from the Dynamically ...
DCENT_MLE_v1.0 is a dataset of monthly gridded surface temperatures for the Earth during the instrumental period (since 1850). The name ‘DCENT_MLE_v1.0’ reflects the dataset’s... -
Eastern Tropical Indian Ocean individual foraminiferal analyses (IFA) of Glob...
This dataset presents measurements of individual foraminiferal analyses (IFA) of stable oxygen and carbon isotopes in tests of planktic foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber,... -
Maximum Likelihood Estimates of Temperatures using Data from the Hadley Centr...
HadCRU_MLE_v1.2 is a dataset of monthly gridded surface temperatures for the Earth during the instrumental period (since 1850). The name ‘HadCRU_MLE_v1.2’ reflects the dataset’s... -
Zooplankton measurements in the Coquimbo upwelling system during the year 2023
A series of discrete zooplankton biomass measurements were obtained on a near-monthly basis in a subtropical upwelling area of the Humboldt Current System during the year 2023.... -
Biological conditions in the Coquimbo upwelling system during the year 2023
A series of discrete measurements were obtained on a near-monthly basis in a subtropical upwelling area of the Humboldt Current System during the year 2023. These included... -
Oceanographic conditions in the Coquimbo upwelling system during the year 2023
A series of discrete measurements were obtained on a near-monthly basis in a subtropical upwelling area of the Humboldt Current System during the year 2023. These included... -
Physical oceanography during RV BIPO INAPESCA cruise along the west coast of ...
Depth, temperature, and conductivity were recorded with a SeaBird SB11 CTD equipped with a Seabird-43 Dissolved Oxygen sensor from 16th July to 3rd September 2014 along the west... -
SPM concentration measured in Potter Cove in 2010-2017
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Chlorophyll a concentration measured in Potter Cove in 2010-2017
Water samples were collected at four depths (i.e., 0, 5, 10 and 20 m) at the long-term monitoring station in inner Potter Cove (E1) with 4.7 L Niskin bottles. For chlorophyll-a... -
Ice presence in Potter Cove in 2014-2017
The period and the annual number of days with ice cover was calculated for Potter Cove using daily photographic observations of the presence or absence of ice cover between 2014... -
Biogeochemical fluxes across the sediment-water interface measured in Potter ...
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Sediment parameters measured in Potter Cove in 2015-2016
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Bottom water temperatures measured in Potter Cove in 2015-2016
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Glacial discharge at Potter Cove in 2014-2016
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Meteorology measured at Potter Cove in 2014-2016
Air temperature, wind speed and direction were measured every 3 hours by the Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (SMN) of the Argentine Air Force at Carlini Station. -
Laternula elliptica biomasses at three stations in Potter Cove
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Potter Cove climatology, meteorology, oceanography and benthic biogeochemistr...
During 4 expeditions to Potter Cove, King George Island, Antarctica (Carlini base: February-March 2015, September 2015, December 2015 and December 2016), benthic chambers were... -
Physical variables and abundance of zooplankton groups along the west coast o...
Physical oceanography variables and abundance of zooplankton community were analysed along the west coast of Baja California peninsula (July-September 2014). This study is... -
Summary of physical oceanography during RV BIPO INAPESCA cruise along the wes...
Depth, temperature, and conductivity were recorded with a SeaBird SB11 CTD equipped with a Seabird-43 Dissolved Oxygen sensor during a RV Bipo Inapesca cruise between 15th July... -
Abundance of zooplankton groups collected along the west coast of Baja Califo...
This dataset contains the values of abundance of zooplankton collected along the west coast of Baja California on board the R/V BIPO INAPESCA within the Mexican Economic...