fish gut, water, sediments Raw sequence reads
16s highthroughput sequencing results -
Illumina Hi-seq sequences from the Atlantic Ocean (Sediments)
Set of sequences from marine sediments samples collected in the Atlantic Ocean in September 2014 -
SUCHIMED 2021 Campaign - Chemical contamination survey in Mediterranean coast...
SUCHIMED 2021 is the 10th campaign for monitoring chemical contamination and its evolution in the Mediterranean Sea. It has been designed as a platform supporting various... -
Baseline data on microplastic pollution in coastal marine sediments along the...
Processed sampling data for microplastics in sediment samples in beach sediments and seabed sediments in sampling stations in Burgas Bay, SE Black Sea. Urban coastal areas... -
The transient impact of the African monsoon on Plio-Pleistocene Mediterranean...
Over the Plio-Pleistocene interval a strong linkage exists between northern African climate changes and the supply of dust over the surrounding oceans and continental runoff... -
Der Schutz von Mangroven und Küstenvegetation wirkt dem Klimawandel entgegen.
Der Schutz von Mangroven und Küstenvegetation wirkt dem Klimawandel entgegen: Vegetationsreiche Küstenökosysteme gehören zu den weltweit potentesten...