Discrete water sample data of carbonate system parameters (pHtot, Total Alkalinity, Dissolved Inorganic Carbon), salinity, and nutrients, and in situ sensor-based measurements of temperature and depth were collected from Bedford Basin/Halifax Harbour for the period of January to August 2023. The samples were collected at five locations throughout the basin/harbour: Tuft's Cove (44.6732, -63.5951), MacKay Bridge (44.6772, -63.6143), DRDC Barge (44.6855, -63.6509), Sackville River (44.7181, -63.6681), and McNabbs Island (44.6163, -63.5466). All discrete water sampling was conducted onboard the Eastcom dive boat using a Niskin bottle lowered into the water from the side of the vessel. All in situ sensor-based measurements were conducted onboard the Eastcom dive boat using a sensor package attached to the Niskin bottle.