Mapping of IGC-EMO nutrient loads on the high resolution HD model grid (Versi...
Under the heading of the OSPAR convention (Sect. 1.1), the IGC-EMO database of daily freshwater inflows and nutrient loads was compiled by van Leeuwen and Lenhart (2021), which... -
Experiment on an artificial phytoplankton community in response to high CO2: ...
This dataset includes information specific to the Eco-Evo assay applied to a long-term community selection experiment after 80,186, and 288 days. Nutrients were measured at the... -
Canadian Arctic Archipelago Rivers Program: Nutrient, Dissolved Organic Carbo...
This data set describes the stable water isotope (δ18O-H2O, δ2H-H2O), Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC), and Nutrient (Nitrate + Nitrite, Phosphate, Silicate) data collected from... -
Experiment on E. huxleyi and C. affinis exposed to increased CO2: Nutrient up...
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Physical and chemical characteristics of the Polaris hydrothermal plume, Gakk...
This dataset contains physical and chemical characteristics measured in water samples from the Polaris hydrothermal plume on the ultraslow-spreading Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean.... -
In situ observational data of macro-nutrients off western Patagonia in Jan/Fe...
The dataset compiles in situ observational data obtained during the R/V Mirai MR16-09 cruise (2017-01-21 to 2017-02-03) off western Patagonia, Chile. In terms of chemical... -
Compilation of downward flux observations from sediment trap deployments in t...
We provide a compilation of downward fluxes (total mass, POC, PON, BSiO2, CaCO3, PIC and lithogenic/terrigenous fluxes) from over 6000 sediment trap measurements distributed in... -
Concentrations of dissolved orthosilicic acid measured on water bottle sample...
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Nutrients measured on water bottle samples around time series station DYFAMED
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Water column geochemistry data from REVOSIMA MAYOBS1 Cruise
The Mayotte volcanological and seismological monitoring network (REVOSIMA) was created in response to the sub-marine eruption that started in May 2018. Composed by IPGP, BRGM,... -
Nutrients measured on water bottle samples at station TOMO-III_243
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Nutrients measured on water bottle samples at station TOMO-III_241
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Nutrients measured on water bottle samples at station TOMO-III_240
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Nutrients measured on water bottle samples at station TOMO-III_239
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Nutrients measured on water bottle samples at station TOMO-III_238
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Nutrients measured on water bottle samples at station TOMO-III_237
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Nutrients measured on water bottle samples at station TOMO-III_236
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Nutrients measured on water bottle samples at station TOMO-III_235
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Nutrients measured on water bottle samples at station TOMO-III_234
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Nutrients measured on water bottle samples at station TOMO-III_233
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