Aineistossa on kartoitettu toista vuotta lukiossa tai ammatillisessa koulutuksessa opiskelevien nuorten käsityksiä, kokemuksia ja mielipiteitä ammatillisesta koulutuksesta. Teemoja aineistossa ovat mm. opiskeluvalintaan liittyvät syyt, käsitys ammatillisen koulutuksen sekä lukion arvostuksesta ja opiskeluun liittyvät mielikuvat. Tutkimus toteutettiin opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön ja Skills Finland ry:n toimeksiannosta. Vastaajilta kysyttiin mielipiteitä opiskeluun liittyviin väittämiin, kuten kuinka tärkeää opiskelu on tulevaisuuden kannalta tai onko työ kiinnostavampaa kuin opinnot. Opiskelijoilta kysyttiin, kuinka kiinnostavina he pitivät eri koulutusvaihtoehtoja hakiessaan ja kuinka tyytyväisiä he ovat opiskeluvalintaansa. Vastaajat kertoivat, mitä he aikovat tehdä nykyisten opintojensa jälkeen ja uskovatko he opiskelevansa lisää vielä myöhemmin työuransa aikana. Vastaajat ottivat myös kantaa mm. siihen, pitävätkö he opintojaan hyödyllisenä työelämässä tai jatko-opinnoissa. Taustatietoja aineistossa ovat vastaajan sukupuoli, äidinkieli, opiskeleeko ammatillisessa oppilaitoksessa, lukiossa vai molemmissa, asuinpaikkakunta, maakunta, vanhempien koulutusaste ja ammattiryhmä sekä koulumenestys peruskoulussa.
The survey charted the perceptions, experiences and opinions of second-year students in vocational or general upper secondary education regarding vocational education and training in Finland. Main themes included, among others, reasons behind the respondents' choice of upper secondary education, perceptions of how general and vocational upper secondary education are appreciated, and opinions on studying. The study was commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Culture and Skills Finland. Data collection was conducted by IROResearch. First, opinions on studying were examined with various statements concerning, for example, whether the respondents thought that studying was interesting, they studied because they had no other option, and their parents were interested in how they succeeded in their studies. Factors affecting the respondents' choice of upper secondary education (e.g. wanting to have a job with good pay, location of the school/education facility, parents' opinions) were also surveyed. The respondents were asked how interesting different educational paths had been for them personally when they had applied to upper secondary education (e.g. general or vocational upper secondary education, tenth grade) and how satisfied they were with their choice of education. Alternative paths of education the respondents had considered when applying to upper secondary education were also surveyed, as well as whether they had been accepted to their primary choice. The respondents' plans after completing upper secondary education were examined (e.g. whether they planned to work straight away or study more). Finally, the respondents were presented with some attitudinal statements relating to, for example, whether they thought their upper secondary education would be useful in their future work and whether they would choose a different path of education if they could reapply. Background variables included the respondent's gender, mother tongue, whether they studied in vocational or general upper secondary school or in both, municipality of residence, region of residence (NUTS3), parents' highest level of education and occupation group, and whether they had received any special support in school during the past two years.
Todennäköisyysotanta: yksinkertainen satunnaisotantaProbability.SimpleRandom
Probability: Simple randomProbability.SimpleRandom
Puhelinhaastattelu: tietokoneavusteinen (CATI)Interview.Telephone.CATI
Telephone interview: Computer-assisted (CATI)Interview.Telephone.CATI