NGTS-8b and NGTS-9b non-inflated hot Jupiters


We report the discovery, by the next generation transit survey (NGTS), of two hot Jupiters NGTS-8b and NGTS-9b. These orbit a V=13.68 K0V star (T_eff_=5241+/-50K) with a period of 2.49970d, and a V=12.80 F8V star (T_eff_=6330+/-130K) in 4.43527d, respectively. The transits were independently verified by follow-up photometric observations with the South African Astronomical Observatory 1.0-m and Euler telescopes, and we report on the planetary parameters using HARPS, FEROS, and CORALIE radial velocities. NGTS-8b has a mass, 0.93^+0.04^-0.03_M_J and a radius, 1.09+/-0.03R_J_ similar to Jupiter, resulting in a density of 0.89^+0.08^-0.07_gcm^-3^. This is in contrast to NGTS-9b, which has a mass of 2.90+/-0.17M_J and a radius of 1.07+/-0.06R_J_, resulting in a much greater density of 2.93^+0.53^_-0.49_gcm^-3^. Statistically, the planetary parameters put both objects in the regime where they would be expected to exhibit larger than predicted radii. However, we find that their radii are in agreement with predictions by theoretical non-inflated models.

Cone search capability for table J/MNRAS/491/2834/table6 (Stellar Properties for NGTS-8)

Cone search capability for table J/MNRAS/491/2834/table7 (Stellar Properties for NGTS-9)

Cone search capability for table J/MNRAS/491/2834/table8 (Planetary properties for NGTS-8b using allesfitter)

Cone search capability for table J/MNRAS/491/2834/table9 (Planetary properties for NGTS-9b using allesfitter)

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Metadata Access
Creator Costes J.C.; Watson C.A.; Belardi C.; Braker I.P.; Burleigh M.R.,Casewell S.L.; Eigmuller P.; Gunther M.N.; Jackman J.A.G.; Nielsen L.D.,Soto M.G.; Turner O.; Anderson D.R.; Bayliss D.; Bouchy F.; Briegal J.T.,Bryant E.M.; Cabrera J.; Chaushev A.; Csizmadia S.; Erikson A.; Gill S.,Gillen E.; Goad M.R.; Hodgkin S.; Hooton M.J.; Jenkins J.S.; McCormac J.,Moyano M.; Queloz D.; Rauer H.; Raynard L.; Smith A.M.S.; Thompson A.P.G.,Tilbrook R.H.; Udry S.; Vines J.I.; West R.G.; Wheatley P.J.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2023
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Exoplanet Astronomy; Galactic and extragalactic Astronomy; Interdisciplinary Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics; Stellar Astronomy