Near-infrared imaging polarimetry in the J, H, and K_ s_ bands was carried out for GGD 27 in the dark cloud Lynds 291. Details of an infrared reflection nebula associated with the optical nebulosity GGD27 and the infrared nebula GGD 27 IRS are presented. Aperture photometry of 1263 point-like sources, detected in all three bands, was used to classify them based on a color-color diagram, and the linear polarization of several hundred sources was determined, with the latter used to map the magnetic field structure around GGD 27. This field, around GGD 27 IRS, appears to be associated with the extended CO outflow of IRAS 18162-2048; however, there are partly distorted or bent components in the field. The Chandrasekhar-Fermi method gives an estimate of the magnetic field strength as ~90{mu}G. A region associated with GGD 27 IRS is discovered to have a circular polarization in the range of ~2%-11% in the K_s_ band. The circular polarization has an asymmetric positive/negative pattern and extends out to ~120" or 1.0pc. The circular and linear polarization patterns are explained as resulting from a combination of dense inner and fainter outer lobes, suggesting episodic outflow.
Cone search capability for table J/ApJ/824/95/sources (Photometry and polarimetry of point-like sources in the GGD 27 IRS region)