Contrast variation SANS to understand drug directed assembly of multi lamellar liposomes


Recurring infection following dental interventions such as fillings is the most common reason for failure, leading to further treatments including root canal therapy, where the infected dental pulp and root tissue is removed and replaced with an inert substance such as dental cement. Over half of root canal treatments still fail due to re-infection, leading to yet further treatment to remove the tooth. To address this problem, we have developed a series of antimicrobial liposomes, and seek to use neutron scattering to understand how incorporation of the drug affects the structure of the liposomes. We hope this will help to explain the differences in efficacy we have seen during our formulation development work, and accellerate progress in developoing formulations with different anytimicrobial drugs.

Metadata Access
Creator Dr Steve King; Dr Elen Everett; Dr Alison Paul; Professor Alastair Sloan; Professor Rachel Errington; Dr Craig James
Publisher ISIS Neutron and Muon Source
Publication Year 2021
Rights CC-BY Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Contact isisdata(at)
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Biology; Biomaterials; Engineering Sciences; Life Sciences; Materials Science; Materials Science and Engineering
Temporal Coverage Begin 2018-12-10T09:00:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 2018-12-11T23:30:00Z