The current experiment proposes to identify and study the spin dynamics of the muon states formed in octabutoxy-phthalocyanine (oBu-H2Pc) using the avoided level crossing technique. Octabutoxy-phthalocyanine is a derivative of the phthalocyanine molecule (H2Pc), in which the ortho addition sites at the outer benzene rings are functionalised with the butoxy radical. This experiment builds on knowledge previously acquired by our collaboration regarding the ALC-MuSR spectrum of H2Pc, and aims at providing a clear experimental proof about which state corresponds to Mu addition at the ortho site of H2Pc, by comparing the relative formation yields of all states in the ALC spectra of oBu-H2Pc and in H2Pc, as well as understanding the interactions existing between neighbouring molecules in phthalocyanines.