Table 2. Percentage of palynomorphs found in each sample through Longling section


The Longling Coal Mine (W. Yunnan) is situated in an area of substantial geotectonic activity. Its Late Pliocene palynoflora is of considerable interest, since the area represents a centre of biodiversity. Eighty-two palynomorphs belonging to 61 families were recovered from the lignite. The palynoflora is dominated by angiosperms (68.3%), with ferns (24.4%), gymnosperms (4.9%) and algae (2.4%). Comparisons indicate that most of the palynoflora was derived from the Montane Humid Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest, with lesser contributions from the Tsuga dumosa Forest and Evergreen Coniferous Broad-leaved Mixed Forest, as well as the Montane Mossy Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest. This indicates that the Late Pliocene climate was cooler than that of the present. In the course of the accumulation of the lignite, the climate underwent five major phases of warming and cooling.

Percentage of palynomorphs.

Supplement to: Xu, Jing-Xian; Ferguson, David-Kay; Li, Cheng-Sen; Wang, Yu-Fei; Du, Nai-Qiu (2004): Climatic and ecological implications of Late Pliocene Palynoflora from Longling, Yunnan, China. Quaternary International, 117(1), 91-103

Related Identifier IsSupplementTo
Metadata Access
Creator Xu, Jing-Xian; Ferguson, David-Kay; Li, Cheng-Sen; Wang, Yu-Fei; Du, Nai-Qiu
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2004
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Supplementary Dataset; Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 2442 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (98.600 LON, 24.400 LAT); Yunnan, China