Diatom data of sediment core MD07-3081
This dataset contains diatom abundance (Valves g-1), fragments (%), and relative percentage of diatom species and associated standard error (%) from core MD07-3081. 51 samples,... -
Foraminiferal data and sea surface temperature of sediment core MD07-3081
This dataset contains planktonic foraminiferal abundance (Ind. g-1), Summer Sea Surface Temperature (SSST °C) reconstruction, fragments (%), and relative percentage of... -
Palynological organic matter (POM) of surface sediment from Mar Piccolo, Sout...
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Palynological organic matter (POM) of sediment core S05B from Mar Piccolo, So...
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Weathering indicators according to earthworm presence and survival in an arti...
The dataset consists of measurements of weathering indicators according to earthworm presence and survival. Data was collected within the BAM! project (Bio-Accelerated Mineral... -
Factors governing earthworm survival and activity in an artificial organo-min...
The dataset consists of a list of treatments and relative variables that were varied in an artificial organo-mineral system according to earthworm activity and survival. Data... -
Charcoal raw counts and monosaccharide anhydrides in sediment core JC11-K5, L...
For sedimentary macroscopic charcoal analysis, 1 cm3 of wet sediment was dissolved in water, sieved through a 150-µm mesh. Under a stereomicroscope, macroscopic charcoal of... -
Palynology of sediment cores from site GS15-198-38
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Lake Baikal diatom assemblage data from the sediment core BAIK13-7A covering ...
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Lake Baikal diatom assemblage data from the sediment core BAIK13-4F covering ...
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Lake Baikal diatom assemblage data from the sediment core BAIK13-19B covering...
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Lake Baikal diatom assemblage data from the sediment core BAIK13-18A covering...
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Lake Baikal diatom assemblage data from the sediment core BAIK13-14C covering...
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Lake Baikal diatom assemblage data from the sediment core BAIK13-11C covering...
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Lake Baikal diatom assemblage data from the sediment core BAIK13-10A covering...
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(Table S1) Pollen and spores of IODP Hole 318-U1356A
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. All samples are from the work half of the sediment core. -
Modern soil samples
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(Fig. 7) First and second axes of the principle component analysis, Hill's N2...
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(Figure 2h) Pollen percentage of hygrophytic taxa of core GC2
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(Figure 2g) Relative pollen percentages of Misodendron of core TML1
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