Compilation of Late Miocene palaeoclimates in the circum-Alpine realm
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Pliocene/Pleistocene palaeoclimate of Sisian/2 (Armenia)
Estimates arte based on leaf floras -
Pliocene/Pleistocene palaeoclimate of Sisian/1 (Armenia)
Estimates are based on leaf floras -
Miocene palaeoclimate of Hoktemberyan (Armenia)
Esimates are based on pollen flora -
Miocene palaeoclimate of Hrazdan/2 (Armenia)
Estimates are based on the macroflora -
Miocene palaeoclimate of Hrazdan/1 (Armenia)
Estimates are based on the microflora -
Pliocene palaeoclimate of Hortun (Armenia)
Estimates are based on the macroflora -
Miocene palaeoclimate of Nakhichevan_1 (Azerbaijan)
Estimates are based on the macroflora -
Miocene palaeoclimate of Mangyus (Armenia)
Estimates are based on the macroflora -
Pliocene palaeoclimate of Jajur (Armenia)
Estimates are based on the microflora -
Miocene palaeoclimate of Mayisyan (Armenia)
Estimates are based on the microflora -
Oligocene/Miocene palaeoclimate of Dilijan (Armenia)
Estimates are based on the macroflora -
Pliocene palaeoclimate of Koturvan (Armenia)
Estimates are based on the macroflora -
Miocene/Pliocene palaeoclimate of Agarak (Armenia)
row 1, 2: estimates are based on the microflora; row 3: estimates are based on the macroflora -
Pliocene macroflora of Koturvan (Armenia)
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Miocene/Pliocene micro- and macroflora of Agarak (Armenia)
row 1, 2: microflora; row 3: macroflora -
Miocene microflora of Mayisyan (Armenia)
This dataset has no description
Pliocene microflora of Jajur (Armenia)
This dataset has no description
Miocene macroflora of Hrazdan/2 (Armenia)
This dataset has no description
Miocene microflora of Hrazdan/1 (Armenia)
This dataset has no description