The topics covered included the evaluation of the socio-economic and political situation; trust in institutions; satisfaction with the state of democracy; evaluations and meaning of democracy; attributes of capitalism and democracy; party preference; which social groups gained most since last elections; the salience of various social conflicts (class, religious, ethnic, generational, ideological); protest potential; attitudes towards politics and the market economy; support for basic institutions of democracy; ISSP Role of Government battery about what socio-economic tasks the government should be responsible for; left-right self-placement; political participation (discussion, campaign, rallies, etc); media exposure; political efficacy (both internal and external, many items); evaluation of the prospects of democracy in own country; understanding of left and right in politics; membership in political and other organisations; how much influence the respondent has on decisons at workplace and in the family; attitudes towards multiparty system and privatisation; rating of various countries according to living standards, equality in front of law, and political influence of ordinary people.
Probability: Cluster: Stratified randomProbability.Cluster.StratifiedRandom
Face-to-face interview: Paper-and-pencil (PAPI)Interview.FaceToFace.PAPI