Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1991/1
Raziskava vsebuje oceno razmer in zaupanje v inštitucije, zadovoljstvo z demokracijo, pomen demokracije, kakšne so lastnosti kapitalizma in lastnosti demokracije, odnos do... -
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1992/3
Raziskava je standardna SJM z večino vprašanj ponovljenih iz katere od preteklih anket SJM, med drugim tudi vrsta vprašanj iz serije Politbarometer. Posebej je izrazit blok... -
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1999/1
Prvi del raziskave predstavlja ponovitev mednarodne raziskave o prehodu v demokracijo, ki je hkrati potekala v več vzhodnoevropskih državah. Glavne teme raziskave so razumevanje... -
Index of Electoral Malpractice, 1995-2006
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The aim of the Index of Electoral Malpractice, 1995-2006 was to investigate electoral malpractice in new... -
Biographical Interviews in Eastern Germany in 2007-08
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The purpose of the data is to investigate to what degree the socialist past is constructed in the post... -
Interviews with activists and other relevant persons relating to Nepal’s move...
This data collection describes the experiences of being a human rights volunteer in Nepal during the period 2004-6, when repression by the state was severe; and to the... -
Parliamentary Oversight in Russia and Ukraine 2006
This project sought to broaden understanding of the role of legislatures in contemporary states by investigating oversight in two post-Soviet cases, Russia and Ukraine, where... -
Archival and workshop materials relating to constitutional practices in grass...
The data consists of two bundles (i) Statements and General Assembly minutes of three Occupy camps (Wall Street, London St. Paul's and Oakland) downloaded from the online...