First-look analysis of {rho} Oph-A at 850um


We present 850{mu}m imaging polarimetry data of the {rho} Oph-A core taken with the Submillimeter Common-User Bolometer Array-2 (SCUBA-2) and its polarimeter (POL-2) as part of our ongoing survey project, B-fields In STar forming RegiOns (BISTRO). The polarization vectors are used to identify the orientation of the magnetic field projected on the plane of the sky at a resolution of 0.01pc. We identify 10 subregions with distinct polarization fractions and angles in the 0.2pc {rho} Oph-A core; some of them can be part of a coherent magnetic field structure in the {rho} Oph region. The results are consistent with previous observations of the brightest regions of {rho} Oph-A, where the degrees of polarization are at a level of a few percent, but our data reveal for the first time the magnetic field structures in the fainter regions surrounding the core where the degree of polarization is much higher (>5%). A comparison with previous near-infrared polarimetric data shows that there are several magnetic field components that are consistent at near-infrared and submillimeter wavelengths. Using the Davis-Chandrasekhar-Fermi method, we also derive magnetic field strengths in several subcore regions, which range from approximately 0.2 to 5mG. We also find a correlation between the magnetic field orientations projected on the sky and the core centroid velocity components.

Cone search capability for table J/ApJ/859/4/table1 (Submillimeter polarimetry in the {rho} Ophiuchi cloud core)

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Creator Kwon J.; Doi Y.; Tamura M.; Matsumura M.; Pattle K.; Berry D.; Sadavoy S.,Matthews B.C.; Ward-Thompson D.; Hasegawa T.; Furuya R.S.; Pon A.; DiFrancesco J.; Arzoumanian D.; Hayashi S.S.; Kawabata K.S.; Onaka T.,Choi M.; Kang M.; Hoang T.; Lee C.W.; Lee S.-S.; Liu H.-L.; Liu T.,Inutsuka S.-I.; Eswaraiah C.; Bastien P.; Kwon W.; Lai S.-P.; Qiu K.,Coude S.; Franzmann E.; Friberg P.; Graves S.F.; Greaves J.S.; Houde M.,Johnstone D.; Kirk J.M.; Koch P.M.; Li Di; Parsons H.; Rao R.,Rawlings M.G.; Shinnaga H.; van Loo S.; Aso Y.; Byun D.-Y.; Chen H.-R.,Chen M.C.-Y.; Chen W.P.; Ching T.-C.; Cho J.; Chrysostomou A.; Chung E.J.,Drabek-Maunder E.; Eyres S.P.S.; Fiege J.; Friesen R.K.; Fuller G.,Gledhill T.; Griffin M.J.; Gu Q.; Hatchell J.; Holland W.; Inoue T.,Iwasaki K.; Jeong I.-G.; Kang J.-H.; Kang S.-J.; Kemper F.; Kim G.; Kim J.,Kim K.-T.; Kim K.H.; Kim M.-R.; Kim S.; Lacaille K.M.; Lee J.-E.; Li D.,Li H.-B.; Liu J.; Liu S.-Y.; Lyo A.-R.; Mairs S.; Moriarty-Schieven G.H.,Nakamura F.; Nakanishi H.; Ohashi N.; Peretto N.; Pyo T.-S.; Qian L.,Retter B.; Richer J.; Rigby A.; Robitaille J.-F.; Savini G.; Scaife A.M.M.,Soam A.; Tang Y.-W.; Tomisaka K.; Wang H.; Wang J.-W.; Whitworth A.P.,Yen H.-W.; Yoo H.; Yuan J.; Zhang C.-P.; Zhang G.; Zhou J.; Zhu L.,Andre P.; Dowell C.D.; Falle S.; Tsukamoto Y.; Nakagawa T.; Kanamori Y.,Kataoka A.; Kobayashi M.I.N.; Nagata T.; Saito H.; Seta M.; Zenko T.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2019
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Exoplanet Astronomy; Interstellar medium; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics