Chironomid counts and loss-on-ignition for a 28cm long gravity core from lake Støylsvatnet, Norway


This dataset provides chironomid count data and loss-on-ignition measurements for a short sediment record from lake Støylsvatnet, located in the Førde region, Norway. The core spans 28 cm and dates from ca 940 CE to the present. We obtained a sediment core from the centre of the lake (8.3 m water depth) using a HON/Kajak gravity corer during fieldwork in September 2019, and subdivided the core into 1-cm-thick samples in the field. Samples were transported to the laboratory (Birkbeck University of London, UK), where they were weighted and processed using standard protocols – this involved 20 min treatment with warm KOH (10 %) and sieving over a 100 µm mesh. Chironomid head capsules were subsequently handpicked from the residue, mounted on permanent microscope slides, and identified using Brooks et al. (2007). This dataset provides chironomid count data in number of chironomid head capsules per sample. Additionally, loss-on-ignition was determined for each sample by comparing the dry weight of the sample before and after combustion at 550°C following Heiri et al. (2001). The chironomid dataset provides insight in centennial-scale changes in the insect community of the lake ecosystem under past climate change and current anthropogenic impact.

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Metadata Access
Creator Engels, Stefan ORCID logo; Lane, Christine S ORCID logo; Wilkinson-Rowe, Elo
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference Birkbeck, University of London Crossref Funder ID InsectArmageddon_palaeo Insect Armageddon: a palaeoperspective; Quaternary Research Association Crossref Funder ID InsectArmageddon Insect Armageddon: natural variability, landscape change or human-induced climate warming?
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 1092 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (6.035 LON, 61.822 LAT)