Chironomid counts for surface sediment samples (0-1cm depth) from a set of 20...
This dataset provides chironomid count data for core tops from 20 lakes located near Bergen, Norway. The lakes are situated either in the Røldal region or in the Førde region.... -
Chironomid counts and loss-on-ignition for a 28cm long gravity core from lake...
This dataset provides chironomid count data and loss-on-ignition measurements for a short sediment record from lake Støylsvatnet, located in the Førde region, Norway. The core... -
Chironomid counts and loss-on-ignition for a 33cm long gravity core from lake...
This dataset provides chironomid count data and loss-on-ignition measurements for a short sediment record from lake Lontjørnane, located in the Røldal region, Norway. The core... -
Chironomid counts for the Late-glacial record of Old Buckenham Mere (UK)
This dataset provides the chironomid counts for the Late-glacial sediment sequence retrieved from Old Buckenham Mere (UK) in 2019. The counts are presented against depth (m). A... -
Chironomidae whole or half head capsules counts in sediment core Haem13 from ...
This dataset provides counts of chironomid head capsules for the Lateglacial sediment sequence retrieved from Lake Hämelsee (Germany) in 2013. Counts per taxon are presented... -
Chironomid percentage-abundances for surface sediment samples obtained from 8...
This dataset provides the percentage-abundances of chironomid taxa identified in a set of surface sediment samples taken in the Plymouth area (Massachusetts, United States) in... -
Chironomid abundances for a Mid Weichselian record from Reichwalde (Germany)
This dataset provides chironomid abundance data for a Mid Weichselian sediment sequence retrieved from the Reichwalde mine situated in the Niederlausitz area (Germany) in 1999.... -
Chironomid percent-abundances for an Early Weichselian record from Nochten (G...
This dataset provides chironomid percent-abundance data for an Early Weichselian sediment sequence retrieved from the Nochten mine (Niederlausitz area, Germany) in 2004....