MagLiteS Carina II and Carina III spectroscopy


We present Magellan/IMACS, Anglo-Australian Telescope/AAOmega+2dF, and Very Large Telescope/GIRAFFE+FLAMES spectroscopy of the Carina II (CarII) and Carina III (CarIII) dwarf galaxy candidates, recently discovered in the Magellanic Satellites Survey (MagLiteS). We identify 18 member stars in Car II, including two binaries with variable radial velocities and two RR Lyrae stars. The other 14 members have a mean heliocentric velocity v_hel_=477.2+/-1.2km/s and a velocity dispersion of {sigma}v=3.4_-0.8_^+1.2^km/s. Assuming Car II is in dynamical equilibrium, we derive a total mass within the half-light radius of 1.0_-0.4_^+0.8^x10^6^M_{sun}, indicating a mass-to-light ratio of 369-161_^+309^M_{sun}/L{sun}. From equivalent width measurements of the calcium triplet lines of nine red giant branch (RGB) stars, we derive a mean metallicity of [Fe/H]=-2.44+/-0.09 with dispersion {sigma}[Fe/H]=0.22-0.07_^+0.10^. Considering both the kinematic and chemical properties, we conclude that CarII is a dark-matter-dominated dwarf galaxy. For CarIII, we identify four member stars, from which we calculate a systemic velocity of v_hel_=284.6_-3.1_^+3.4^km/s. The brightest RGB member of CarIII has a metallicity of [Fe/H]=-1.97+/-0.12. Due to the small size of the Car III spectroscopic sample, we cannot conclusively determine its nature. Although these two systems have the smallest known physical separation ({Delta}d~10kpc) among Local Group satellites, the large difference in their systemic velocities, ~200km/s, indicates that they are unlikely to be a bound pair. One or both systems are likely associated with the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), and may remain LMC satellites today. No statistically significant excess of {gamma}-ray emission is found at the locations of Car II and Car III in eight years of Fermi-LAT data.

Cone search capability for table J/ApJ/857/145/table2 (*Summary of properties of Carina II and Carina III)

Cone search capability for table J/ApJ/857/145/table4 (Velocity and metallicity measurements)

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Creator Li T.S.; Simon J.D.; Pace A.B.; Torrealba G.; Kuehn K.; Drlica-Wagner A.,Bechtol K.; Vivas A.K.; van der Marel R.P.; Wood M.; Yanny B.; Belokurov V.,Jethwa P.; Zucker D.B.; Lewis G.; Kron R.; Nidever D.L.; Sanchez-Conde M.A.,Ji A.P.; Conn B.C.; James D.J.; Martin N.F.; Martinez-Delgado D.,Noel N.E.D.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2019
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Exoplanet Astronomy; Galactic and extragalactic Astronomy; Interdisciplinary Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics