Abstract graphs, abstract paths, grounded paths for Freebase and NELL


We describe a method for representing knowledge graphs that capture an intensional representation of the original extensional information. This representation is very compact, and it abstracts away from individual links, allowing us to find better path candidates, as shown by the results of link prediction using this information. The data in this archive consists of the abstract graphs built from several configurations of Freebase and NELL (used in the experiments described in Gardner et al. 2014), the abstract paths extracted from these graphs, the grounded paths and the negative sampling used in the experiments described in (Nastase and Kotnis, 2019). The motivation for this work was to find better patterns in knowledge graphs than those obtained using the PRA approach. This dataset contains:

 AbstractGraphs_Garder2014data.tar.gz: the abstract graphs AbstractPathsGroundedPaths.tar.gz: the abstract paths, grounded paths, train/test data and the corresponding negative samples (for each abstract graph)

For a brief description of the data in each archive, please see README_AbstractGraphs.txt.

DOI https://doi.org/10.11588/data/AVLFPZ
Related Identifier https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/S19-1016
Metadata Access https://heidata.uni-heidelberg.de/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.11588/data/AVLFPZ
Creator Nastase, Vivi; Kotnis, Bhushan
Publisher heiDATA
Contributor Nastase, Vivi
Publication Year 2019
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact Nastase, Vivi (Department of Computational Linguistics, Heidelberg University, Germany)
Resource Type text files, tab separated values; Dataset
Format application/gzip; text/plain
Size 2688965473; 214624238; 2725
Version 1.1
Discipline Humanities
Spatial Coverage Heidelberg University