Slovene Translation of the Atomic 2020 data set SloATOMIC 2020
The SloATOMIC 2020 corpus contains the Slovene translations of the ATOMIC 2020 data set, a commonsense knowledge graph with 1.33M everyday inferential knowledge tuples about... -
AMR parse quality prediction [Source Code]
Accuracy prediction for AMR parsing predicts 33 accuracy metrics for a given sentence and its (automatic) AMR parse Abstract (Opitz and Frank, 2019): Semantic proto-role... -
Abstract graphs, abstract paths, grounded paths for Freebase and NELL
We describe a method for representing knowledge graphs that capture an intensional representation of the original extensional information. This representation is very compact,... -
GenWiki: A Dataset of 1.3 Million Content-Sharing Text and Graphs for Unsuper...
Paper: "GenWiki: A Dataset of 1.3 Million Content-Sharing Text and Graphs for Unsupervised Graph-to-Text Generation" (COLING 2020) by Zhijing Jin, Qipeng Guo, Xipeng Qiu, and...