Turkish makam melodic phrase dataset
There are 899 SymbTr-scores. The scores were manually annotated into melodic segments by 3 experts. In total, there are 31362 phrase annotations in this dataset. Karaosmanoghlu... -
Archaeological intervention at the Mas dels Frares site in 2013
Data from the preventive archaeological intervention at the Mas dels Frares site (highway AP-7 / link to Fornells de la Selva) carried out from July 2012 and April 2014. The... -
Turkish makam acapella sections dataset
Turkish makam acapella sections dataset is sung by professional singers and is a collection of recordings of compositions from the vocal form ?ark?. They are selected to be... -
PANACEA Spanish V-SUBCAT Gold Standard lexicon LAB domain
- This is a domain-specific gold-standard for Spanish subcategorization frames, in the case, for labour legislation (LAB) domain. This gold-standard was manually developed,... -
PANACEA Environment Corpus n-grams FR (French)
This data set contains French word n-grams and French word/tag/lemma n-grams in the "Environment" (ENV) domain. N-grams are accompanied by their observed frequency counts. The... -
Automated machine learning-based potsherd detection using high-resolution dro...
JavaScript code to be implemented in Google Earth Engine(c) for automated machine learning-based potsherd detection using high-resolution drone imagery. This research presents... -
PANACEA English automatically acquired lexicon for LAB domain: Lexical Semant...
This is a domain-specific lexicon of for English for labour (LAB) domain. This lexicon contains a set of nouns classified into seven different semantic classes. It has been... -
ERC Artsoundscapes project – SIMO (Single Input Multiple Output) impulse resp...
SIMO Matlab script used in the framework of the ERC project "The sound of special places: exploring rock art soundscapes and the sacred" (acronym: Artsoundscapes, reference... -
Base de dades dels elements patrimonials vinculats al subministrament d'aigua...
Base de dades que recull 203 elements patrimonials històrics que es coneixen i que estan relacionats amb el subministrament de l'aigua a la ciutat de Tarragona i una part del... -
Dades treball de camp Cova del Tabac 2023
Aquest conjunt de dades conté les dades brutes generades al llarg dels treballs de camp desenvolupats a l’any 2023 al jaciment de Cova del Tabac. El conjunt està format per les... -
The MedAfriCarbon radiocarbon database and web application. Archaeological dy...
MedAfriCarbon radiocarbon database and web app are outcomes of the MedAfrica Project —Archaeological deep history and dynamics of Mediterranean Africa, ca. 9600-700 BC. The... -
Medieval sugar pots from Sicily: petrographic photomicrographs
This dataset includes some of the petrographic pictures of the of sugar pots retrieved in Sicily from 11th-16th cent. AD contexts. These data were collected as part of the... -
Turkish makam tonic test dataset v1
This release contains annotated tonic frequencies of 257 audio recordings. The SymbTr-scores of the corresponding compositions performed in the audio recordings are also indicated. -
Database of Catalan Adjectives
The database contains 2,296 alphabetically ordered adjective lemmata (rows) and 45 columns with various types of linguistic information about each lemma. The adjectives... -
ERC Artsoundscapes project – Acoustic measurements at El Tajo de las Figuras ...
Data collected in the framework of the ERC project "The sound of special places: exploring rock art soundscapes and the sacred" (Grant Agreement No. 787842). The project focuses... -
The ceramic production at Cartagena de Indias before and after the European c...
The sample studied includes 34 ceramic individuals, 25 of which come from the Convento de Santo Domingo in Cartagena, and the others belong to the indigenous styles of Malibú... -
Catalog of Roman coins from Almenara II (Castellon)
[ENG] Photographic catalog database with 78 bronze coins of fleece and bronze, from the Francesc Esteve Gálvez collection of the Museum of Fine Arts of Castellón. Most of the... -
PANACEA Italian automatically acquired lexicon for ENV domain: Subcategorizat...
The PANACEA_SCF_IT_ENV is an automatically created lexicon of verbal subcategorisation frames for 26 verb lemmas. The language is Italian and the domain is Environment. The... -
100 Cuentas de Instagram para aprender chino
En esta hoja de cálculo de Excel se encuentra una base de datos con 100 cuentas de Instagram para aprender chino etiquetadas según diferentes categorías de análisis. Parte de... -
Partitura i enregistrament de "Pastorela por Navidad" Joaquim Laposaria Alsin...
Sota el marc del projecte Estudi i Recuperació de Patrimoni Musical, aquest dataset conté dos arxius: Transcripció del manuscrit original de Joaquim Laposaria Alsina...