National Accounts of the Netherlands, 1800-1913


Reconstruction of the National Accounts of the Netherlands and the analysis of the development of the Dutch Economy in the period 1800-1940. To reconstruct national income extensive data concerning income, prices, foreign trade, production, employment and capital formation were collected and processed.The data are available via the website of National Accounts.

The National Accounts website is a collaboration project of the N.W. Posthumus Instituut and DANS

Metadata Access
Creator Prof.dr J.L. van Zanden, Posthumus Instituut, IISG
Publisher DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities
Contributor Data Station Admin
Publication Year 2012
Rights DANS Licence; info:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccess;
OpenAccess false
Contact Data Station Admin (DANS)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/rtf; application/x-msaccess; text/tab-separated-values; application/; application/zip; image/gif; text/plain; application/msword; application/pdf
Size 14856; 692224; 303532; 25797; 7184; 17171; 56818; 1732608; 4498; 6263; 1943; 2183; 11553; 11624; 24086; 20018; 13404; 5125; 17639; 27198; 3661; 4700; 4091; 162892; 586686; 17490; 14808; 29654; 24765; 97846; 1802240; 17373; 11791; 59400; 18783; 8729; 1240; 11318; 176304; 3339; 2460; 26978; 2575; 736; 988; 11670; 113638; 18720; 15875; 11209; 28492; 181105; 47936; 333158; 9379840; 181455; 51203; 19921; 5637; 1942; 142501; 125488; 78302; 13584; 2178; 15928; 9540; 10001; 1771; 3051; 1845; 11891; 29326; 3226; 7339; 349; 443; 19714; 587; 4386; 740; 5249; 9994; 2979; 7708; 4788; 4305; 16819; 664; 30385; 1231; 3988; 7245; 2974; 6469; 860; 256; 1675; 373; 4362; 9835; 570; 2440; 2864; 20308; 326; 34188; 26111; 3170; 16871; 14408; 19979; 1597; 1258355; 21861; 9234; 6681; 13254; 126976; 1437; 33792; 91135; 313; 836; 251; 1376; 65; 1092; 319; 155; 3485; 6144; 116230; 14729; 13535; 298; 385024; 133333; 3556; 3788; 2764; 33536; 3435; 5501; 3165; 2960; 4242; 2687; 3187; 3839; 116329; 7723; 14505; 13807; 8698; 368640; 4047; 138693; 491; 25263; 1427; 22016; 372168; 19150; 32256; 301374; 181248; 340412
Version 2.0
Discipline Economics; Humanities; Social and Behavioural Sciences