Finland's Foreign Trade: Value of Imports 1840-2000
Aineisto sisältää tietoja Suomen ulkomaankaupan tavaratuonnin arvosta käyvin hinnoin vuosina 1840 - 2000. Aineisto on koottu Suomen Virallisista Tilastoista (Kauppa ja... -
Finland's Foreign Trade: Value of Exports 1840-2000
Aineisto sisältää tietoja Suomen ulkomaankaupan tavaraviennin arvosta käyvin hinnoin vuosina 1840 - 2000. Aineisto on koottu Suomen Virallisista Tilastoista (Kauppa ja... -
Hevoskauppiaiden haastattelut 2012
Tutkimuksessa haastateltiin suomalaisia hevoskauppiaita. Haastatteluiden tarkoituksena oli selvittää ihmisen ja eläimen välisen kohtaamisen ja suhteen merkitystä hevoskaupassa... -
Texter från Konsumentverket
Parallel texts downloaded from the website, hallåkonsument.se, run by of the Swedish Consumer Agency. The texts have been downloaded using the command 'w3m -dump' from an... -
Shipping and trade in the Java Sea, 1870-1940
This dataset contains data on shipping and trade in the Java Sea in the period from 1870 until 1940. The dataset forms the basis of a source publication. The collection of... -
Dutch entries in the pound-toll registers of Elbing, 1585-1700
This dataset contains the transcription of the Dutch entries in the Elbing pound-toll registers in the 1585-1700 period. Data were entered at two different levels, which... -
Kleine middenstand in Nederland 1970 : Een vergelijkende studie tussen de oud...
Evaluation by small shopkeepers ( retail tradesmen and artisans ) of the meaning of being independent in a society which is becoming more and more a society of employees and of... -
Dutch Atlantic connections: the circulation of people, goods and ideas in the...
The database "Dutch Atlantic connections" gives information on 7666 journeys made by Dutch ships in the 17th and 18th centuries. These include ships of the Dutch West India... -
Winkelende huisvrouw 1973
Buying of provisions / retailers / door-to-door deliveries / kind and quantity of provisions / frequency of buying / shopping centre / favourite shop / differences between shops... -
Winkelapparaat en ruimtelijk koopgedrag in Uithoorn 1969
Buying patterns of consumption goods grocery, butcher, dairy products, vegetables etc. / in terms of district, street-corner / outside the town / branches of shops in the... -
Compendium of data for world-system analysis 1978
Handbook for cross-national analysis on economical, social and political indicators. Data represent a compilation of international comparable statistical information on 123... -
Dutch Ships and Sailors - Dutch-Asiatic Shipping as RDF
Dutch Ships and Sailors is a project that aims to provide an infrastructure for maritime historical datasets, linking correlating data through semantic web technology. It brings... -
Criminaliteit en de detailhandel 1995
Survey among retail shops in the Netherlands, to acquire information about the scale of and damage due to crime against shops. The following offences were investigated: theft of... -
Community in local exchange trading systems (LETS) 1999
Exploration of the sense of community among participants in LETS ( Local Exchange Trading Systems : groups exchanging goods and services in an own, local currency) . Themes:... -
Micromacrodataset Suriname 1970
the micro-macro dataset Surinam consists of a number of economic time-series, ranging from 1954-1987, packaged with software for analysis, simulation and model testing. This... -
World export data, 1948-1983
Simulation of, and study of patterns in international relations. Export figures of all sovereign nations during 1948 to 1983. -
Agriculture in Greece, 20th century
This data set presents statistical data on various kinds of agricultural production and distribution, and the distribution of cattle in Greece. Some files concern a specific... -
Solidarity in economic transactions 1991-1994
Solidarity in economic transactions. Bargaining theory / contracting theory / decision making under uncertainty / discrimination model / framing / game theory / relational... -
Baltic trade 1845
This dataset contains information on baltic trade in the year 1845, based on the shipping records in the Sound Toll Accounts (STA).