ARCHES (Astronomical Resource Cross-matching for High Energy Studies) is a FP7-Space funded project whose aim is to provide the astronomical community with well-characterised multi-wavelength data in the form of spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for large samples of objects extracted from the 3XMM DR5 X-ray catalogue of serendipitous sources. The project has developed new tools implementing fully probabilistic simultaneous cross-correlation of several catalogues for unresolved sources. A cleaned and enhanced version of the 3XMM DR5 catalogue (the 3XMMe catalogue) has been cross-correlated using the ARCHES tool with a number of selected multi-wavelength archival catalogues. These catalogues cover wavelengths ranging from UV to far IR. They provide probabilities of associations, magnitude and fluxes from which spectral energy distributions can be extracted.
Cone search capability for table IX/48/xgustwra (Allsky cross-matched 3XMMe catalogue)