Spectrophotometry of 77 variable stars
The results of visual and near-infrared spectrophotometric observations for 77 variable stars obtained during 1971-1991 in Chile, Armenia and Bolivia. The quasi-monochromatic... -
PNe angular diameters from SED modeling
Powerful new, high-resolution, high-sensitivity, multifrequency, wide-field radio surveys such as the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) Evolutionary Map of... -
The 2BIGB gamma-ray blazars catalog
This paper presents the results of a {gamma}-ray likelihood analysis over all the extreme and high synchrotron peak blazars (EHSP and HSP) from the 3HSP catalogue. We... -
Spectral energy distributions of AGNs
We present spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of 41 active galactic nuclei, derived from multiwavelength photometry and archival spectroscopy. All of the SEDs span at least... -
Intrinsic AGN SEDs in PG quasars
We present a new analysis of the Palomar-Green quasar sample based on Spitzer and Herschel observations. (i) Assuming polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-based star formation... -
TP-AGB stars contribution in SFR
We study the debated contribution from thermally pulsing asymptotic-giant-branch (TP-AGB) stars in evolutionary population synthesis models. We investigate the spectral energy... -
QSOs SED shapes from optical to NIR
We define a quasar-galaxy mixing diagram using the slopes of their spectral energy distributions (SEDs) from 1{mu}m to 3000{AA} and from 1 to 3{mu}m in the rest frame. The... -
SED of 180 SIMBA 1.2mm sources
Concatenating data from the millimetre regime to the infrared, we have performed spectral energy distribution (SED) modelling for 227 of the 405 millimetre continuum sources of... -
FUV to FIR phot. of massive galaxies in SDSS Stripe 82
The broadband spectral energy distribution of a galaxy encodes valuable information on its stellar mass, star formation rate (SFR), dust content, and possible fractional energy... -
Time evolution of Mrk501 emission during 2017-2020
We study the broadband emission of Mrk 501 using multiwavelength observations from 2017 to 2020 performed with a multitude of instruments, involving, among others, MAGIC,... -
Extension of HOPS out to 500pc (eHOPS). I. Aquila
We present a Spitzer/Herschel focused survey of the Aquila molecular clouds (d~436pc) as part of the eHOPS (extension of the Herschel orion protostar survey, or HOPS, Out to 500... -
Stellar radii & extinctions from APOGEE, GALAH & RAVE
Asteroseismology has become widely accepted as a benchmark for accurate and precise fundamental stellar properties. It can therefore be used to validate and calibrate stellar... -
ALMA survey of Orion PGCCs (ALMASOP). II. 1.3mm
Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (PGCCs) are considered to be the ideal targets to probe the early phases of star formation. We have conducted a survey of 72 young dense cores inside... -
Surveys of clumps & cores in Cygnus X. I. ~0.1pc MDCs
Using infrared to (sub)millimeter data from Spitzer, Herschel, the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope, and the IRAM 30m telescope, we conducted an unbiased survey of the massive... -
X-ray, opt. & radio SEDs of Fermi blazars
In this paper, multiwavelength data are compiled for a sample of 1425 Fermi blazars to calculate their spectral energy distributions (SEDs). A parabolic function,... -
The Herschel Orion Protostar Survey (HOPS): SEDs
We present key results from the Herschel Orion Protostar Survey (HOPS): spectral energy distributions (SEDs) and model fits of 330 young stellar objects, predominantly... -
Spectral energy distributions of Roma BZCAT blazars
We combined multi-wavelength data for blazars from the Roma-BZCAT catalog and analyzed hundreds of X-ray spectra. We present the fluxes and spectral energy distributions (SEDs),... -
An atlas of UV-to-MIR galaxy SEDs
We present an atlas of 129 spectral energy distributions for nearby galaxies, with wavelength coverage spanning from the ultraviolet to the mid-infrared. Our atlas spans a broad... -
Polarized NVSS sources SEDs
An understanding of cosmic magnetism requires converting the polarization properties of extragalactic radio sources into the rest-frame in which the corresponding polarized... -
The simultaneous optical-to-X-ray SED of AGNs
We report Swift observations of a sample of 92 bright soft X-ray selected active galactic nuclei (AGNs). This sample represents the largest number of AGNs observed to study the...