Structural Investigation of the Lone-Pair Electron Material Bismuth Palladate
Materials with stereochemically active lone pair electrons have recently attracted interest as potential thermoelectric materials. This is mainly due to their anomalously low... -
Influence of partial magnetic frustration on the magnetic order in CePdAl
The metallic heavy-fermion compound CePdAl might be a model system to investigate the influence of magnetic frustration on quantum criticality. The antiferromagnetic order below... -
Stability of magnetic order in partially frustrated CePdAl under uniaxial pre...
CePdAl is a unique intermetallic material, where both long-range magnetic order and magnetic frustration coexist below the antiferromagnetic ordering temperature of 2.7K. An... -
Novel amorphous and quasicrystalline Ti45-xVxZr38Ni17 alloys for hydrogen sto...
The project is aimed at unveiling structural aspects of the newly synthesised Ti45-xVxZr38Ni17 (x = 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40) alloys and their deuterides. The obtained... -
Crystal structures of Zintl phase hydrides and silicate hydride by neutron po...
Neutron powder diffraction will be used to determine hydrogen/ deuteridum position in Zintl phase deuterides (LaGaDx, YGaDx and CaSiDx) and silicate hydrides (LiSrSiO4H,... -
The effect of KNO2 admixture on ferroelectric phase transition of NaNO2 in th...
The principal aim of the experiment is to study of temperature evolution of ferroelectric composites (1-x)NaNO2+(x)KNO2 crystal structure at two values of KNO2 fraction. The... -
High magnetic field neutron scattering study on the quantum sawtooth chain ma...
We propose to carry out an elastic neutron scattering experiment at the High Magnetic Field Facility for Neutron Scattering of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin on the natural... -
Analysis of the wide-angle neutron scattering of non-graphitic carbon – testi...
Non-graphitic carbons (NGCs) represent an important class of materials both, in research in industrial applications. A quantitative description of the sp2-polyaromatic... -
Magnetic ordering in the multiple rare–earth sublattices in R5Pd2In4 compound...
This proposal is a continuation of our long-term project aiming to understand magnetism of rare earth intermetallics. Five R5Pd2In4 (R = Tb – Tm) indides are intended to be... -
Crystal Structure and Diffuse Scattering in the Uniaxial Ferroelectric Thermo...
The search for new thermoelectric (TE) oxide materials has been driven by the discovery of high figures of merit ZT in complex layered cobaltates such as Na(x)CoO2 or Ca3Co4O9.... -
Novel amorphous and quasicrystalline Ti45-xVxZr38Ni17 alloys for hydrogen sto...
The project is aimed at unveiling structural aspects of the newly synthesised Ti45-xVxZr38Ni17 (x = 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40) alloys and their deuterides. The obtained... -
Magnetic Order and Magnetostructural Coupling in BaCrFeAs2 and BaCr2As2
We propose to study the magnetic order and temperature dependent structural properties of the ThCr2Si2-type phases BaFeCrAs2 and BaCr2As2 at instruments E9 and E2. These... -
Crystal structure of Cu2ZnGe(S1-xSex)4 solid solution
Cu2ZnGeSe4 (CZGSe) and Cu2ZnGeS4 (CZGS), which contain only earth abundant elements, are promising materials for thin film solar cell devices with efficiencies of 8.4 % (CZGSe).... -
Magnetic phase diagram of strongly magnetoelectric LiCoPO4
We propose to perform a neutron diffraction experiment at HFM/EXED to determine the propagation vector above 22.4T and map out the phase diagram up to 26T of magnetoelectric... -
Commissioning E2
Test data for ICAT -
Field induced magnetic states in the Charge Density Wave compound TbTe3
The compound TbTe3 displays a rich combination of quantum cooperative phenomenon. It is shows charge density wave formation above room temperatures while under pressure it... -
Study on the Transition metals and Na+/vacancy ordering of P2-NazNi1-x-yTixMy...
The layered transition metal oxides NaxMO2 (M=transition metals) is one of the most important of cathode materials for room-temperature sodium ion batteries. According to... -
Instrument maintenance and calibration
The beamtime will be used to calibrate the instrument, test new sample environments. -
Instrument Time
Instrument Time -
Neutron diffraction study of short-range incommensurate magnetic order in Ho5Pd2
The rare-earth intermetallic compound Ho5Pd2 exhibits low temperature cluster-glass-like magnetic state with short-range incommensurate antiferromagnetic correlations persisting...