Ergänzungsmaterial zu: Das Kampfareal von Kalkriese. Fallstudie einer antiken...
Supplementary figures 4, 24, 41 & 52 -
KGE Algorithms
An updated method for link prediction that uses a regularization factor that models relation argument types Abstract (Kotnis and Nastase, 2017): Learning relations based on... -
Azaarenes: 13 Rings in a Row by Cyclopentannulation [data]
Cyclopentannulation was explored as a strategy to access large, stable azaarenes. Buchwald-Hartwig coupling of previously reported di- and tetrabrominated cyclopentannulated... -
Experiencing Risk: Higher-Order Risk Attitudes in Description- and Experience...
Risky decisions are often characterized by (a) imprecision about consequences and their likelihoods that can be reduced by information collection, and by (b) unavoidable... -
What makes up a reportable event in a language? Motion events as an important...
Numerous cross-linguistic studies on motion events have been carried out in investigating the scope of the two-fold typology path versus manner (Talmy 1985; 2000) and its... -
Heidelberg integrated samples 2018-2020 and pseudo power plant experiment res...
These data files show the measurement and model ffCO2 results (surface source influence vs. volume source influence approach) for the two-week integrated afternoon and nighttime... -
retrodig: Retrodigitalisierung der Grabungsdokumentation des Kastell Heidelbe...
Zielsetzung des Projekts »retrodig« war es, die Dokumentation der umfangreichen Grabungskampagnen der Jahre 1952 und 1975 zum römischen Kastell »Neuenheim« in Heidelberg von Dr.... -
Source Code, Data and Additional Material for the Thesis: "Social Commonsense...
Understanding a social situation requires the ability to reason about the underlying emotions and behaviour of others. For example, when we read a personal story, we use our... -
A method for detecting noise in automatically annotated sequence-labelled data, combining MACE (Hovy et al. 2013) with Active Learning. -
Ambiguity aversion is not universal [Dataset]
Assuming universal ambiguity aversion, an extensive theoretical literature studies how ambiguity can account for market anomalies from the perspective of expected utility-based... -
Intrinsically disordered region of talin’s FERM domain functions as an initia...
Focal adhesions (FAs) mediate the interaction of the cytoskeleton with the extracellular matrix (ECM) in a highly dynamic fashion. talin is a central regulator, adaptor protein... -
Head Selection Parsers and LSTM Labelers
This resource contains code, data and pre-trained models for various types of neural dependency parsers and LSTM labelers used in the papers: Do et al. (2017). "What Do We Need... -
Nouveaux médias: mythes et expérimentations dans les arts [research data & so...
The dataset contains the data of the website newmedia.dfk-paris.org, that offers the enhanced publication (published 2021-09-21) Publication of the annual research theme... -
Datenrepositorium Terenzens verba Graeca [Ergänzungsdaten]
Das Datenrepositorium enthält die Statistiken, Tabellen, Listen, Indizes, Grafiken und Konfigurationsdateien der Clusteranalyse mit R zu Studien der verba Graeca bei Terenz. -
GER_SET: Situation Entity Type labelled corpus for German
Semantic clause types, also called Situation Entity (SE) types (Smith, 2003) are linguistic characterizations of aspectual properties shown to be useful for tasks like... -
Neue Untersuchungen zur absoluten Datierung des Männergrabes und der Siedlung...
Abstract: Das bekannte Grab des sogenannten „Jäger / Kriegers“ aus der ältestbandkeramischen Siedlung von Schwanfeld in Unterfranken galt aufgrund seiner Radiocarbondatierung... -
Policy mixes for biodiversity: A diffusion analysis of state-level citizens’...
The dataset contains data used to produce Figure 1 in the article. -
Neuartige Azaacene – Synthese und Anwendung in organischen Feldeffekttransist...
Die vorliegende Dissertation befasst sich mit der Synthese und Charakterisierung neuartiger Azaacene und Aza-acenoacene aus Acridonen. Dabei steht der Einfluss der Regioisomerie... -
Risk and incidence of endocrine immune related adverse effects under checkpoi...
Supplemental Materials Abstract Context Few meta-analyses regarding the incidence of endocrine immune related adverse effects (eirAEs) have been published and many... -
Abstract graphs, abstract paths, grounded paths for Freebase and NELL
We describe a method for representing knowledge graphs that capture an intensional representation of the original extensional information. This representation is very compact,...