Testing for spatial group‑wise heteroskedasticity in spatial autocorrelation ...
The aim of this paper is to develop a spatial group-wise heteroskedasticity test based on the scan approach, specifically developed for spatial autocorrelation regression models... -
A scan test for spatial groupwise heteroscedasticity in cross-sectional model...
We propose a scan test for the presence of spatial groupwise heteroskedasticity in cross-sectional data. The scan approach has been used in different fields before, including... -
ECHAM-HAMMOZ reference simulation 2003-2012: stratospheric diagnostics (2008)
These datasets represent a selection of daily stratospheric diagnostics from the reference simulation of the ECHAM-HAMMOZ chemistry climate model (CCM), which is described in... -
Soil relative air permeability
Data set provides information about capillary pressure-saturation-relative air permeability for thirty soil samples. And the introduction of the data source compiled in the... -
debug test
This dataset has no description
DeepRain project presentations
In this entry a collection of internal publications, presentations, slides and reports from DeepRain. DeepRain is funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung... -
MLAir (v1.0.0) - a tool to enable fast and flexible machine learning on air d...
MLAir (Machine Learning on Air data) is an environment that simplifies and accelerates the creation of new machine learning (ML) models for the analysis and forecasting of... -
sadsada -
Sample data file with TOAR air quality data for machine learning excercise
This file has been obtained from the Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report database described by Schultz, M.G. et al., Elementa Sci. Anthrop., 2017,... -
eLTER VA Data Postojna Planina CS microclimate data
Cave microclimate is prone to important changes in certain passages due to intensive tourism. Monitoring the climatic parameters (air temperature, CO2) in Postojna-Planina Cave... -
eLTER VA Data Postojna Planina CS microclimate data
Cave microclimate is prone to important changes in certain passages due to intensive tourism. Monitoring the climatic parameters (air temperature, CO2) in Postojna-Planina Cave... -
DeepRain project presentations
In this entry a collection of internal publications, presentations, slides and reports from DeepRain. DeepRain is funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung... -
CoE RAISE - data for actuated turbulent boundary layer flows
This data collection contains time-series of three-dimensional snapshots for a parametric study of flat plate turbulent boundary layer flow actuated by spanwise traveling... -
Representing chemical history in ozone time-series predictions - a model expe...
This record contains a part (4/4) of the data used for the manuscript "Representing chemical history in ozone time-series predictions - a model experiment study building on the... -
FAIR Digital Object
Internal presentation in Jülich Supercomputing centre about FAIR Digital Object and its application for TOAR database. -
Exploring decomposition of temporal patterns to facilitate learning of neural...
This record contains all experiment data for the manuskript "Exploring decomposition of temporal patterns to facilitate learning of neural networks for near-surface dma8eu ozone... -
DeepRain project presentations
In this entry a collection of internal publications, presentations, slides and reports from DeepRain. DeepRain is funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung... -
Soil relative air permeability and water retention
Data set provides information about capillary pressure-saturation-relative air permeability for twenty five soil samples. And the introduction of the data source compiled in the... -
DeepRain project presentations
In this entry a collection of internal publications, presentations, slides and reports from DeepRain. DeepRain is funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung... -
Pleiades Ortho Product dataset: pan-sharpened green band channel (TIFF format)
The original dataset is a Pleiades Ortho Product 1 and it includes four Pan-sharpened images (available at http://www.intelligence-airbusds.com/en/23-sample-imagery). The...