Panel Survey Dordrecht - November 1997 - VSO
Survey among inhabitants of Dordrecht, concerning municipal policy. Use of public transport facilities / preferred future policy of municipality of Dordrecht concerning... -
Sportvisserij in Nederland 1971
Fishing behaviour of sports anglers. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ education/ organizational membership -
HBO Monitor 2022 afgestudeerden onderzoek
Onder auspiciën van de Vereniging Hogescholen voert het ROA jaarlijks de HBO-Monitor uit. De HBO-Monitor is een instrument waarmee hogescholen ieder jaar de arbeidsmarktpositie... -
Vrouw in de Nederlandse krijgsmacht 1979
Opinions of the Dutch people on the integration of women in the military force. Statements on women in the army, differences with other segments of society / equal rights means... -
Leefsituatie onderzoek, 1980 - SCP versie - LSO'80
Description of the life situation of the Dutch population in 1980/ as well as the conditions as the experience of life. Family situation and planning / details about and... -
Reactions to threatening health messages
BackgroundThreatening health messages that focus on severity are popular, but frequently have no effect or even a counterproductive effect on behavior change. This paradox (i.e.... -
The learner as designer: Processes and effects of an experimental programme i...
In most strategy research the focus is on ready-made models provided by the teacher or textbook. However, in this research project the effects are described of an experimental... -
List of EU-funded research projects with participating institutions from Bela...
A list of EU-funded research projects with participating institutions from Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine, 2009-2017 -
TRansitions Into Active Living - wave 1 2021
The data was collected for the TRIAL: TRansitions Into Active Living study funded by NWO (grant no.: NWA.1160.18.249). The original aim of the this study was to examine the... -
Stakeholders engagement in noise action planning mediated by OGITO – an Open ...
This supplementary data support the article “Stakeholder engagement in noise actionplanning mediated by OGITO – an Open Geospatial Interactive TOol” that has been recently... -
Innovation adoption as a socio-economic process 1993 : The case of the Ghanai...
Survey on the economic and social circumstances important to the adoption of a new (hybride) type of cocoa tree by Ghanaian local farmers. Adopters and non-adopters have been... -
Vrouwen in besluitvorming 2018 - VIB2018
Sinds het voorjaar 2000 laat het Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau tweejaarlijks een onderzoek uitvoeren om het aandeel van vrouwen in besluitvormende posities in de markt en de... -
Survey Integratie Minderheden 2020 - SIM2020
De Survey Integratie Minderheden is opgezet om inzicht te krijgen in de integratie van de belangrijkste minderheidsgroeperingen. SIM2020 is uitgevoerd onder personen met een... -
Enquête Open Dag Fryske Akademy, Leeuwarden
In 1992 organiseerde de Fryske Akademy een open dag. Aan elke bezoeker van 18 jaar en ouder werd een enquêteformulier overhandigd. Naast vragen naar bekendheid met het werk van... -
ROA Levenslang Leren Enquête - 2017
The aim of the survey is to monitor formal learning, informal learning, and knowledge development in the Dutch population.This survey was conducted end 2017, and is a follow-up... -
Dataset Touched by Tragedy Study
This experimental study assessed if specific existential conditions motivate narrative processing of tragic entertainment about loss. Participants were assigned to a 3 (MSS:... -
Bi+ Nederland vragenlijst (2020)
Vragenlijstonderzoek onder bijna 3.000 bi+ deelnemers. Deze gegevens zijn tussen november en december 2020 verzameld. -
Arab West Report Interview Documentation Project: Naṣr Abū Zayd
This Arab-West Report Interview Documentation Project contains one audio recording, an interview with Dr. Naṣr Ḥāmid Abū Zayd. The interview is conducted in English and Arabic.... -
Interviewcollectie Stichting Mondelinge Geschiedenis Indonesië, interview 1591
Dit interview bestaat uit twee gesprekken: 1591.1 en 1591.2. 1591.1 De geïnterviewde vertrok in 1946 als burger naar Indië, West-Java, om daar als stafmedewerker voor de... -
Lezen en spellen in het basisonderwijs 1979-1985 : Longitudinaal onderzoek
Longitudinal survey of the development of reading and spelling abilities of pupils in primary education from 1979 through 1985. Combined with some data on social and...