Sociaal-culturele ontwikkelingen in Nederland, 1985 - SOCON'85
Social relevance of religion in the Netherlands. Occupation and kind of work / in which organization or company / how many days work / organizational role in work / r member of... -
Experiment bevordering arbeidsparticipatie alleenstaande ouders WWB
Om de arbeidsinschakeling van alleenstaande ouders doeltreffender te maken heeft het ministerie van SZW een experiment uitgevoerd. In een aantal Nederlandse gemeenten zijn in... -
New Immigrant Survey - the Netherlands - Version 2
The New Immigrant Survey (NIS2NL) is a longitudinal panel study on early integration processes of recent migrants to the Netherlands. NIS2NL is targeted at Bulgarian, Polish,... -
Rural Homestead System Reform in China: From the Perspective of Urban-rural E...
The reform of rural homestead system is not only key for Chinese land system reform in the new era,but also essential for unblocking the urban-rural economic circulation and... -
Dutch Facebook Survey: wave 1 v1.0
The files of this dataset are no longer available. A revised version has been published at: https://doi.org/10.17026/dans-235-tba9 The main goal of the DFS data collection... -
Interviewcollectie Stichting Mondelinge Geschiedenis Indonesië, interview 1564
De geïnterviewde vertelt hoe hij opgroeide in Indië, op Oost-Java. Hij vertelt over zijn ervaring van de binnenkomende Japanners. Als kind begreep hij toen de precieze situatie... -
Toezichtkaart (voorheen Kwaliteitskaart) Voortgezet Onderwijs 2012 - versie 1.0
Data betreffende de kwaliteit van scholen voor Voortgezet Onderwijs in Nederland.- Algemene gegevens- Opbrengstenoordeel- Driejaarsgemiddelde van verschil tussen cijfer... -
Surinaamse kleine zelfstandige ondernemers in Amsterdam 1983
Social and economic backgrounds in Surinam/ family relations, stimulation by parents, businesses / migration into the Netherlands: motives, financial and organizational aspects,... -
Veel voorkomende criminaliteit op de Nederlandse Antillen 1992
Rate of criminality on three islands of the Netherlands Antilles: Bonaire, Curaçao and St. Maarten. Feelings of fear and unrest with regard to crime / if respondent was ever a... -
Positive-Negative Asymmetry of Contact - Experiment
The main aim of the experiment was to test whether there is a stronger effect of negative than positive contact on intergroup attitudes (eg. The ‘positive-negative asymmetry of... -
Inkomenswaarderingsonderzoek, 1980
Major purpose the construction of the individual utility function of income developed by van Praag. Financial position of household sources and composition of income, loans,... -
Vakantie-onderzoek, 1981
Descriptive statistics of holiday-pattern of Dutch population/ trend over longer period for statistical support of policy and planning of government and tourist-industry.... -
Vrouwenloonwijzer 2000-2001 - VLW 2000-2001
Survey among Dutch working women. The questionnaire contains six clusters of questions: A. profession and industry, B. the organisation, C. employment record, D. working hours,... -
ReDefTie (Wave 5): Redefining tie strength – how social media (can) help us t...
Longitudinal study with a representative sample of adult Dutch online users on the effects of social media use on various indicators of social capital and well-being. Social... -
Flexible labour-market : Centerdata Telepanel
This survey is part of Centerdata's Telepanel project. Telepanel consists of approx. 2000 households, surveyed weekly. Besides the Centerdatabase offers opportunities to... -
Linking Syriac Liturgies
The dataset presents a digital presentation of the Syriac liturgical traditions based on: a) notes and cards catalogues concerning the liturgical readings of the lectionaries as... -
Politieke opinieleiders 1966
Political opinion leaders / social integration / organizational membership / sources of information and their reliability / exposure to mass-media / political information /... -
Consumentenconjunctuuronderzoek - CCO 2015
Doel:Het verschaffen van actuele informatie over consumentenopvattingen met betrekking tot de algemene economische ontwikkeling en de financiële situatie van het eigen... -
Maslow's hierarchische rangschikking van fundamentele behoeften 1975
Maslow's need questionnaire ( MNQ ) / ( various versions ) f-scale / individual well-being scales / personnel orientation inventory / security, insecurity inventory. Background... -
Common market study 1962
Opinions on the Common Market, European integration / information on, attitude towards and knowledge of specific policies / perception of problems. Background variables: basic...