Replication data for: "Investigating the biochemical response of proton minib...
This dataset contains the infrared spectra of CTX-TNA2 rat astrocytes (healthy) and F98 rat glioma (tumour) cell lines subjected to standard proton radiotherapy and proton... -
Indications of nonlinear deterministic and finite-dimensional structures in t...
This page data analyzed in the manuscript: Andrzejak RG, Lehnertz K, Rieke C, Mormann F, David P, Elger CE (2001) Indications of nonlinear deterministic and finite dimensional... -
Young people and children's questionnaires to know about the help and support...
These questionnaires correspond to one of the methodological phases of the research project "Resilient children, youth and communities: identifying and analysing social and... -
Supplemental Data of: Structural brain network of gifted children has more in...
DICOM Imatges MRI DATA All participants were examined on a 3T MRI scanner (Magnetom Trio Tim, Siemens Medical Systems, Germany) at the Centre de Diagnòstic per la Imatge in... -
PANACEA Labour and Repubblica merged Italian Lexicon
The Italian PANACEA_rep_lab_merged.lmf.xml is SCF lexicon obtained by merging two automatically extracted lexicons: a domain lexicon (labour) PANACEA_SCF_IT_labour.lmf.xml and a... -
Catalog of Roman coins from the archaeological site Pla de Foia (Alfara de Ca...
[ENG] Database of a photographic catalog with 76 coins minted between the beginning of the 1st century BC and the end of the 4th century AD, from the Pla de la Foia Roman site... -
Base de datos del proyecto "La acumulación y uso de capital social en los jóv...
El presente dataset corresponde a una muestra de 150 trayectorias laborales (n=150 individuos) incorporando más de 2500 variables con información sobre los individuos (ego) y... -
Replication Data for: The Impact of Robot Adoption on Global Sourcing
This replication package describes the dataset sources used in the paper and the STATA do files used in the empirical analysis together with the log files resulting from running... -
Supplemental Data of: Open access availability of Catalonia research output: ...
Sample of 3,730 journal articles published by authors from Catalonia's CERCA research centres between 2011 and 2015 and available on Web of Science (out of a total output of... -
IntOGen - Cancer Drivers Database (2014)
This database contains information on the genes identified as drivers in Rubio-Perez and Tamborero et al. (2015). It contains information on driver identification at mutational,... -
Replication data for: Full characterization and calibration of a transfer sta...
This dataset include all the data related to the publication "Full characterization and calibration of a transfer standard monitor for atmospheric radon measurements" of the AMT... -
Authorship according to sex/gender in contributions to Spanish scientific jou...
This database corresponds to the study of the authorship of women and men in 3913 contributions published in 7 Spanish journals of Ancient History between 1970 and 2020. It... -
Women and men in the authorship of Archaeology publications in Spain (1970-20...
This database corresponds to the study of authorship of men and women of the research contributions published in a selection of ten Spanish Archaeology journals over the last... -
Diccionari de sufixos verbalitzadors del català
- El Diccionari d’afixos és una proposta de representació lexicogràfica dels sufixos analitzats a la tesi doctoral que intenta millorar la representació dels diccionaris... -
Indian art music tonic datasets
These datasets comprise audio excerpts and manually done annotations of the tonic pitch of the lead artist for each audio excerpt. Each excerpt is accompanied by its associated... -
L'ús de les fonts periodístiques a la premsa gironina (1996-2016)
This research aims to study, both in quantity and quality, the use of sources of information in the production of news about the six main cities of the Girona Province (Girona,... -
Percepción del colectivo investigador sobre los servicios de apoyo a la inves...
Datos y preguntas de la encuesta efectuada en una muestra del colectivo investigador del estado español para conocer la percepción y el uso de los diversos servicios de apoyo a... -
HIRES-PhD (High Impact Research and Employability Skills for PhD) Framework Data
The dataset includes 236 identified PhD transversal skills for enhanced employability, sourced from 39 research articles. These skills are categorized thematically into two... -
Replication data for Perceived HRM (Human Resource Management) - Health centers
Data for analyzing the mediating role of organizational trust and work satisfaction in the relationship between HRM organizational practices and employees’ organizational... -
Actuacions musicals de dones a les comarques de Girona, Lleida i Tarragona a ...
El dataset és el resultat del buidatge d'esdeveniments de dones professionalitzades en el món musical que es van portar a terme a les províncies de Lleida, Tarragona i Girona...